Fortune Telling

by Teresa Moorey

Published 17 February 2005
Are you excited about what the future has in store for you? You can learn how to become an expert fortune-teller and boost your psychic powers by reading this book. You'll discover how to predict the future with playing cards, read tea leaves, see images in a crystal ball, tune into your psychic ability, and use dice to foretell the future. The future is yours to shape! Fortune Telling shows you how you can change your life by discovering just how incredible and unique you are. It is part of our stunning new Mind Body Spirit series for teenage girls - Amazing You.

Amazing You: Crystals

by Teresa Moorey

Published 17 February 2005
What can crystals do for you? They can help you to feel calm, to concentrate, to feel attractive, to heal, harness your psychic powers - and much more. In this book, you'll learn about how to choose, store and cleanse your crystal, about your birthstone, how to wear crystals, how to dowse properly and how to glimpse the future with a crystal ball. The focus is on having fun with your experiments and seeing what you can find out about yourself, friends, boys and family. Crystals shows you how you can change your life by discovering just how incredible and unique you are. It is part of our stunning new Mind Body Spirit series for teenage girls - Amazing You.


by Teresa Moorey

Published 18 November 2004
Handwriting is a bit like a fingerprint - everybody's is individual, and while two people may write in a similar fashion, if you look closely you will spot subtle differences. You can look at the way your writing slants, the space in between lines, whether it is rounded or angular, size of the letters, your signature and even your doodles. This book shows how you can use graphology to find out about people's characters, abilities and motivations. You can try out your techniques on your friends, boys you like and your family, to gain a better understanding of you and your immediate world. Graphology shows you how you can change your life by discovering just how incredible and unique you are. It is part of our stunning new "Mind Body Spirit" series for teenage girls - Amazing You.

Amazing You: Spells

by Teresa Moorey

Published 17 June 2004
Step into the magical world of spells and witchcraft and see what you can conjure up. Do your own spells with simple ingredients - make yourself irresistible, bond with your friends, make a love charm, charge up your brain power, restore harmony in your house and concoct a clever potion. Spells shows you how you can change your everyday life by discovering just how amazing you are. "Amazing You" is part of our stunning new "Mind, Body, Spirit" series for teenage girls.