Book 1

This volume is a joint effort of the Research Materials Information Center (RMIC) of the Solid State Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Libraries and Information Systems Center at Bell Telephone Laboratories (BTL) Murray Hill, N. J. The Research Materials Information Center has, since 1963, been answering inquiries on the avail- ability, preparation, and properties of inorganic solid-state research materials. The preparation of bibliographies has been essential to this function, and the interest in ferroelectrics led to the compila- tion of the journal and report literature on that subject. The 1962 book Ferroelectric Crystals, by Jona and Shirane, was taken as a cutoff point, and all papers through mid-1969 received by the Center have been included. The Libraries and Information Systems Center of BTL has, over a period of years, developed a proprie- tary package of computer programs called BELDEX, which formats and generates indexes to biblio- graphic material. This group therefore undertook to process RMIC's ferroelectric references by BELDEX so that both laboratories could have the benefit of an indexed basic bibliography in this important research area.

Book 2

and often on request from the issuing installation. USAEC reports are also available from International Atomic Energy Agency Kaerntnerring A 1010 Vienna, Austria National Lending Library Boston Spa, England Monographs and reports of the National Bureau 01 Standards are for sale by Superintendent of Documents U. S. Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. 20402 Theses, listed as Dissertation Abstracts + number, are available in North and South America from University Microfilms Dissertation Copies P. O. Box 1764 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 and elsewhere from University Microfilms, Ltd. St. John's Road Tylers Green Penn, Buckinghamshire England Conlenls Addendum ...xiii 1. Information Centers and Other Services ...1 2. Journals ...3 3. Methods of Crystal Growth - Books and Reviews ...5 4. Semiconductors - General, Reviews, and Bibliographies ...11 5. 1-V -VI Compounds ...21 6. li-IV - V2 Compounds ...23 7. II - V Compounds ...29 a. General, Reviews, and Bibliographies ...29 b. Zinc Compounds ...30 1. Zn3P2" ...30 2. ZnAs...30 3. ZnSb...30 4. Zn Mixed Systems ...31 c. Cadmium Compounds ...31 31 1. Cd3P2' ...2. Cd3As2 ...31 3. CdSb, Cd3Sb2 ...33 37 8. li-VI Compounds ...a.
General, Reviews, and Bibliographies ...37 ...b. Zinc Compounds ...39 ...1. ZnO...39 Preparation and Properties ...39 Electrical Properties ...41 ...Optical Properties ...45 ...Physical Properties and Structure ...47 ...2. ZnS...49 3. ZnSe...52 4. ZnTe ...'...54 5. Zn Mixed Systems...55 ...55 c. Cadmium Compounds ...55 1. CdS ...2. CdSe...60 3. CdTe...61 4. CdTernaries ...62 ...d. Mercury Compounds ...64 ...

Book 3

responsibility.) To Betty Edwards and Emily Copenhaver my thanks for what must have seemed endless typing, retyping and correcting of these bibliographies over a span of years. Availability of Documents U. S. Government contractor reports, usually identified by an alpha-numeric report number, can be purchased from National Technical Information Service U. S. Department of Commerce Springfield, Virginia 22151 and, often, on request from the issuing installation. USAEC reports are also available from International Atomic Energy Agency Kaerntnerring A 1010 Vienna, Austria National Lending Library Boston Spa England Monographs and reports of the National Bureau of Standards are for sale by Superintendent of Documents U. S. Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. 20402 Theses, listed as Dissertation Abstracts + number, are available in North or South America from University Microfilms Dissertation Copies P. O. Box 1764 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 and elsewhere from University Microfilms, Ltd. St.
John's Road Tylers Green Penn, Buckinghamshire England Other Information Centers and New Journals New journals Information centers Field and and other sources serials Ultra purification 4, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16,19, 20, 9,11,15, 24, 31, 32 and 21, 28, 30, 32, 33, 42, 58, 59 crystal growth ix Preface Field Information centers New journals and and other -sources serials Characterization Miscellaneous 3,4, 8, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20, 1,3,4,8,11,15,17, 21, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 46, 53, 56, 32 58, 60, 61, 62

Book 4

Since 1963 the Research Materials Information Center has been answering inquiries on the availability, preparation, and properties of ultrapure inorganic research specimens. It has been possible to do this with reasonable efficiency by searching an automated coded microfilm collection of the report and open literature and of data sheets and question- naires provided by commercial and research producers of pure materials. With the growth of the collection to over 70,000 documents and the increase in the demand for more general background information, it has been necessary to compile bibliographies on an increasing variety of subjects. These have been used as indexes to the microfilmed documents for more efficient searching, and in the past distributed in response to individual requests. However, their size and number no longer permit so casual and uneconomic a method of distribution. The "ORNL Solid State Physics Literature Guides" is a practical alternative. Organization The subject organization of the bibliography is given by the Table of Contents. Each section is preceded by a collection of reviews, bibliographies, and "general" papers (i.e., those dealing with methods or equipment rather than single materials, or with such a wide variety of materials that no subsection was appropriate).
Coverage is generally from 1960 to mid-1970. Emphasis is on inorganic materials.

This referenced compilation of magnetic transition temperatures represents (with the Addendum) papers actually received by the RMIC through May 1972 and consists of two lists (alphabetical by compounds), one for Curie and one for Neel temperatures. Where different values appeared in the literature for a single compound, all are listed with sepa- rate references given for each. There is no attempt at critical evaluation, which, except for a few welt-studied and well- characterized materials, would hardly be worth the effort. All that one can say for most of the compounds is that for a given material with a certain (or all too often uncertain) history of preparati'on and treatment, stoichiometry, homoge- neity, and chemical or structural purity a magnetic transition was indicated at the temperature(s) listed. Only when the reasons for different values are explicitly stated in the literature do they appear as brief comments in the body of the lists. In order to include the most recent data, and to eliminate the delay involved in recomposition of the lists, an addendum is provided.
While this requires the perusal of two lists rather than one, it does ensure that the compilation represents the entire RMIC collection at the moment of going to press. The 2478 references are restricted to those papers specifying a Curie or Neel temperature and do not reflect the complete magnetics literature even for the materials listed.