Book 2

Feeling lonely? Need a friend who thinks you’re the best? And can help you with your school work? Well, look no further, Livewires Corporation’s latest cyborg child friend model is for you. Make best friends with a cyborg kid today!

It’s 2099 and Lyla has a new friend, a robot girl! It’s Clara 2.2’s first day at school and Lyla has been chosen to be her buddy. Clara is perfect in every way and she makes Lyla feel special too. But when it comes to having fun, Lyla finds out that maybe her new friend isn’t quite so perfect after all.

It’s 2099. Lyla lives in a world of robocats, flying sweets and instant snow, but some things never change. Little brothers are still annoying, school teachers make you cringe, and, when your best friend deserts you for the new girl, it still HURTS. Especially when that new girl is from the Moon. But Lyla’s problems lead her into unexpected adventures . . .

Lyla and her friends are off to camp on the moon! They're going moon walking, laser archery shooting and low gravity dancing!
And Moonite kids at camp are just so stylish and cool. When they suggest sneaking out of camp to visit the city, Lyla and her friends can't resist, but then everything starts to go astronomically wrong . . .