Scottish Landscapes

by Alan McKirdy and Moira McKirdy

Published 16 February 1999

This book looks at Scotland -- a land of contrasts. The rugged mountains on Skye, the farmland of the Border country and the city streets of Edinburgh and Glasgow are all part of this diversity. Find out how the countryside changes with the seasons and read about the wildlife which is such an important part of the Scottish landscape. Find out: what Scotland looked like before the great Caledonian pine forest was chopped down; where the coldest place in Scotland is to be found; how to plan your route around the islands.

This book tells the story of how Scotland's landscape has changed over the last three billion years. Did you know that disappearing oceans, colliding continents and erupting volcanoes were some of the events which helped to shape the countryside we see today? Discover how coal formed from swamps which grew in a tropical climate. Did you know there was an ice age in Scotland that lasted for over two billion years ...and the ice may come back? Find out how to: make your own model volcano which erupts messily ...but safely; see a stalactite and stalagmite grow in just a couple of days; race your way around Scotland, collecting fossils as you go.