Book 1

Love Letters to France

by George East

Published 6 August 2016
From a general list of false preconceptions about the French, to George East's take on why the French think that being born in France automatically imbues every French person with a great sense of style and taste and the ability to cook like an angel and make love like Casanova, Love Letters to France is the first in our new series of French Collections.
George East's love of France began when visiting with his school back in the 1950's and of course his obsession with a poster of Brigitte Bardot.
After writing for French Property News for a quarter of a century, George has picked some of his most poignant scribbling and put them together with some very personal and favourite photos of his travels around France for your delight.
George's sense of fun and his love of France and (most) things French tells in his humorous tales and encounters. He is considered to be one of the top funny guys of travel literature and has written a number of books on his chosen subject of France.
Over the years, George has travelled the equivalent of the distance to the moon and back in France. He has lived or visited every one of the thirteen regions and ninety-six mainland departments in France. While about his business (and having a fabulous time) he has written more than a million words about the country, its people and their sometimes Funny Little Ways. This collection of his essays, articles and blogs is evidence of his deep and abiding love for France, and of his unique talent for finding precisely the mot juste when describing the people and country we sometimes find so hard to understand...