Global Connections
2 total works
A car bombing in Spain, an elementary school invasion in the Caucasus region, or an assassination in Pakistan - today's global media and technology enable people the world over to instantly hear of terrorist attacks as they occur. What used to be reported only in local news now reaches all corners of the globe in minutes. Thus, terrorist organizations receive unprecedented public exposure for their seemingly random acts of violence. ""Terrorism and Security"" provides insights on the evolution of modern terrorism and describes its effects on global society, such as the origins of suicide bombing and the effects European political ideologies had on former colonies that are now used to fuel conflicts and terrorist activity. Student researchers will find this essential new offering a solid foundation for knowledge about contemporary terrorism and security.
When nations fully embrace a free-market system, they not only experience an economic boom, but many positive social changes as well. Among those changes is the desire of people to reign over their own affairs and to seek individual freedoms. However, the consequences of unsound economic policies are harsh in today's world. Nations can no longer remain isolated from a damaging economic cycle in any part of the world, meaning everyone pays a price in some way during an economic downturn. Yet, for a country to separate itself from global markets and insist on self-sufficiency is a recipe for even worse disaster. ""The Changing Global Economy"" is a timely new book that delves into the challenges facing countries as they grapple with a world economy as it goes through ups and downs.