Book 5


by Naguib Kanawati and A. McFarlane

Published 1 January 1993
Report on the excavations.

Book 15

The Unis Cemetery at Saqqara 1

by A. McFarlane

Published 11 November 2000
Often referred to as the `Butcher's Tomb' the decorated tomb of Irukapta in the Unis Cemetery at Saqqara, has been fully recorded for publication. A well-preserved example of Old Kingdom rock architecture, it retains much of its painted decoration. An outstanding feature is the large number of engaged statues which provide valuable information on the progressive steps in the execution of rock-cut statuary and comparisons of artistic and architectural features are made with other near-contemporary tombs.

Book 20

Mastabas at Saqqara

by A. McFarlane

Published 1 December 2003
Among a number of large mud-brick mastabas, west of the Teti cemetery, are the family complexes of the royal builder, Kaiemheset and the overseer of the granary, Kaiemsenu, who also held several priesthoods of Fifth Dynasty kings. Excavated early in the last century, neither was adequately published despite the important information they contained. Remarkable features include one of two siege scenes known from the Old Kingdom, a well preserved functional door of wood, several magnificent statues and a number of rare titles. The proximity of these tombs to Teti's pyramid is of particular significance and their dating has been the subject of some controvesy. The new publication attempts to give a complete record of the tombs, as well as dealing with associated problems.