Book 410

Invaluable insights on trading today's futures market The CME Risk Management Handbook provides an accessible overview of the futures market in today's electronic world of trading. Page by page, it outlines the various CME products currently available and explains how those products can be used to manage risk. Financial professionals around the world will find this book to be a comprehensive reference to the most widely used risk management, trading, and hedging strategies. Editors John Labuszewski and John Nyhoff-two of the most highly-regarded names in futures and options research and risk management-put this discipline in perspective and offer readers invaluable insights into successfully operating within this environment. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. is an international marketplace that brings together buyers and sellers on its trading floors and GLOBEX(r) around-the-clock electronic trading platform. CME offers futures contracts and options on futures, primarily in four product areas: interest rates, stock indexes, foreign exchange, and commodities. John W. Labuszewski, MBA, is Managing Director of Research & Product Development at CME.
John Nyhoff, MBA, is a Director of Financial Research and Development at CME.

The Stock Market

by Richard J. Teweles and etc.

Published 1 September 1982
This book covers every aspect of the stock market - its history, its products, how to buy stocks, how the buy order is transacted, what odd-lots are, what arbitrage is, pyramiding options, futures etc. The reader will come away from this book with both a broad overview of how the market works and with an understanding of the mechanics of transactions. With approximately 40% new material added to this edition, it has been updated to include information on new communications in both listed and over the counter markets. The authors have extensively increased their coverage of options and index trading; the chapters on technical and fundamental analyses have been revised to incorporate modern methods. Much new material on indexes and compliance has also been added.

Written by a leading investment author, this guide covers the full spectrum of US government securities as well as the markets that trade them. It covers all basic instruments, markets and investment strategies - including fundamental and technical analysis, portfolio management, arbitrage, yield and volatile analysis, and other important techniques. It also examines hedging and speculation techniques, futures and options.

This volume provides a detailed introduction to trading options on Treasury securities, currencies and other financial instruments. It has been revised to update options theories and practices, including sophisticated speculative and hedging techniques. Case studies demonstrate strategies at work in actual trading situations, and provide insights into options pricing concepts and models, market forecasting and risk management methodology.