Christopher Columbus

by Jane Bingham

Published 8 January 2015
Read all about Christopher Columbus and his dream to sail to Asia. Follow his journey into the unknown, discover what he found in America and see what happened to him on his later voyages. A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read. A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments! Broad-ranging appeal for nursery age through to Key Stage 2.

Amelia Earhart

by Jane Bingham

Published 12 February 2015
Read all about Amelia Earhart, discover how she learnt to fly and find out about her record-breaking flights. Follow the progress of her final flight and explore the reasons why she disappeared. A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read. A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments! Broad-ranging appeal for nursery age through to Key Stage 2.

Read all about Neil Armstrong, discover how he became an astronaut and learn about the project to send men to the Moon. Follow the progress of the Apollo mission to the Moon and read about Armstrong's famous Moon walk.

A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read.

A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments!

Broad-ranging appeal for nursery age through to Key Stage 2.

The Wright Brothers

by Jane Bingham

Published 8 January 2015
Read all about the Wright Brothers, find out about their childhoods and follow their early tests and experiments. Learn all about the brothers' first flight and see how their invention changed the world. A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read. A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments! Broad-ranging appeal for nursery age through to Key Stage 2.