Marriage Solution

by Helen Brooks

Published 8 December 1995

Blackmail bride!

Carlton Reef wanted a bride - and Katie needed the money! His proposal was outrageous, but simple. He would pay her family's debts if Katie would agree to become his wife... . But what possible reason could this ruthless, sexy bachelor have for wanting sweet, gentle Katie?

She didn't trust him - yet she had no choice. Marriage was the only solution. But did Carlton intend to be a husband in name only, or did he expect Katie to honor their wedding bargain by sharing his bed?

Husband by Contract

by Helen Brooks

Published 11 April 1997

The jealous husband!

For Donato Vittoria, marriage was a lifetime commitment. He'd chosed Grace as his bride, and he would cherish her forever. Or so Grace had believed... . Until she'd discovered Donato's betrayal - with Maria, a beautiful family friend.

Had he forgotten his vows so soon? Did he expect Grace to play the dutiful wife, while he continued to enjoy a bachelor life-style? The hurt had been unbearable, and Grace had fled. But Donato insisted he was still her husband - by contract - and he wanted Grace back in his life, and his bed!

HUSBANDS & WIVES Sometimes the perfect marraige is worth waiting for!

Fire Beneath the Ice

by Helen Brooks

Published 9 June 1995

He wanted passion, not commitment!

Lydia's new boss was a powerfully charismatic man. But Lydia dared not surrender to the dangerously sweet attraction she felt toward Wolf Strade... . He might be icy cool on the outside, but he was all fire and passion underneath - just a little too hot to handle!

And Wolf made it clear that love and marriage didn't feature on his agenda, whereas Lydia had her tiny daughter, Hannah, to think of. But still she couldn't get Wolf out of her mind. Should she try and melt the icy barrier around Wolf's heart... and, if so, how?

"Helen Brooks pens a suberb story with rich characters, sparkling interplay and a riveting emotional conflict." - Romantic Times