Book 1

One Mum Too Many

by Ann Bryant

Published 1 August 2001

Book 2

Book 3

She's No Angel

by Ann Bryant

Published 1 September 2001
Lissie's in a difficult situation. She's gone to stay with her step-family for a fortnight, and her spoilt-brat half-sister is doing all she can to make Lissie's life as unhappy as possible. Lissie even thinks she's wrecked her precious cello. But the wicked step-sister knows how to turn on the charm for everyone else - and Lissie's mum thinks she's adorable. She won't hear a word against her, and thinks Lissie is just making trouble. How can Lissie make her see what's really going on?

Book 5

Get Me Out of Here

by Ann Bryant

Published 1 February 2002
Teenage Ed's living in a house of chaos. There's Dad, his new wife, a new baby, and not one but Four annoying younger stepsisters, one of whom, nine-year-old Pheobe, has taken to following him about everywhere and seriously bugging him. Any minute now he's going to explodel As if this wasn't enough, now there's another female on his case - Izzy. She acts like she fancies him, but he thinks she's just leading him on, to win a bet with her friends. Women - who can live with them? Maybe he should go and live with Mum, with her new partner and baby, in their ordinary, normal quiet home - at least there'd be some peace. But then Phoebe disappears, and Ed feels awful. After a day's agonising search, he is the one who finds her. And in that moment, he realises that he loves his family and wants to be with them, however chaotic they may be!

Book 8

Losing My Identity

by Ann Bryant

Published 1 August 2002
This is the eighth book in the Step-Chain series. Other titles include: One Mum Too Many, You Can't Fancy Your Stepsister, She's No Angel, Too Good To Be True and Get Me Out of Here, Parents Behaving Badly and Don't Tell Mum. Ryan dreads the fortnightly visits from his older stepbrother, Joss. No one else realises what he's like, but Joss is a bully. He's clever too. When Ryan's mum and Joss's dad are around he's super friendly, but he's a horrible wind-up merchant whenever their backs are turned. Then the worst news ever...Joss is moving in, and Ryan fears his life will be made a total misery by all Joss's taunts and tests. The Way Joss is acting, he's going to get them both into big trouble soon. What is his problem? It's impossible to tell, but somehow Ryan has to find the strength to stand up to him.

Book 9

Secrets and Lies

by Ann Bryant

Published 1 October 2002
This is the ninth book in the Step-Chain series. Other titles include: One Mum Too Many, You Can't Fancy Your Stepsister, She's No Angel, Too Good To Be True and Get Me Out Of Here, Parents Behaving Badly, Don't Tell Mum and Losing My Identity. When Katie finds a photo tucked away in her big brother Matt's bedroom drawer, she's intrigued. Who are the people in the picture? Why does the young girl seem so familiar? And why is Matt so cross with her when she asks him about it? The truth is mind-blowing. Katie has an older half-brother, Chris - the son of Martin, her estranged dad, and his first wife. The girl is Chris's daughter and therefore, Katie's niece! Katie really wants to meet her new-found family, but her mum refuses to have anything to do with Martin or anyone associated with him. She would be devastated if she found out that Matt and Katie were seeing Chris behind her back. Things get even more complicated when Matt asks Chris to be best man at his wedding. The web of lies is getting ever more tangled, the secret too big! Katie has to decide whether to live with the deceit, or to tell her mum the truth and live with the consequences...

Book 10

Healing the Pain

by Ann Bryant

Published 1 February 2003
Ashley's life is turned upside down when her mum's writer-boyfriend moves in. Ben is always poking his nose into things, checking up on Ashley and her brother, Keiran. Ashley's determined that Ben is not going to run her life, after all, he isn't her dad! Then with Ben's help, Keiran gets fit enough to join the school football team, something he's yearned for. And suddenly, Ben and Keiran are best mates. Ashley feels like the odd one out. Upset, she begins to think about the past and why her real dad left home. Maybe it was her fault. Ashley confides her problems to her school friend Lucy, but is overheard by Michelle, who has her own experiences of step-families. Ashley learns the shocking truth about Michelle's ordeal and discovers how Ben and her mum really met. It seems she's got Ben all wrong. Can the man she hates really be a hero.

Book 11

She Wants War?

by Ann Bryant

Published 3 April 2003

Book 12

Changing My Name

by Ann Bryant

Published 5 June 2003
This is the twelfth book in the Step-chain series. Other titles include: One Mum Too Many, You Can t Fancy Your Stepsister, She s No Angel, Too Good To Be True, Get Me Out Of Here, Parents Behaving Badly, Don t Tell Mum, Losing My Identity, Secrets and Lies, Healing The Pain and She Wants War? Eleanor loves her new family set up. She gets on really well with her stepdad and her stepbrother Joe. So much so, that when her mum remarries and changes her name, Eleanor wants to change her name too. But her dad won t let her. Eleanor s already feeling alienated from her dad and his step-family and this only makes things worse between them. Then in one day she learns that not only is her mum having a new baby, but so is her dad s wife. Although she s delighted when she hears her mum s news, she cannot get excited about her dad s. But when tragedy strikes, Eleanor realises that it s not her name that s important, that she cannot separate her dad s new family from her own, because she s surrounded by one big blurry family. And that s just fine!

v. 4

Too Good to be True

by Ann Bryant

Published 1 November 2001
Becca's got a big problem. Her mum describes her boyfriend's daughter as perfect in every way. She's pretty, brilliant and talented. And Becca's going to have to meet her soon, and she's going to feel really small. How on earth can Becca live up to the perfect step-sister? Maybe she can decide not to - refuse to meet her, rather than be looked upon as a loser. How on earth are they all going to be a happy family together?

v. 6

Parents Behaving Badly

by Ann Bryant

Published 1 April 2002
This is the sixth book in the Step-chain series. Other titles include: One Mum Too Many, You Can't Fancy Your Step-sister, She's No Angel, Too Good To Be True and Get Me Out Of Here. Hannah's life is almost perfect. She loves living with Mum, her brother Craig and her stepdad Tony. To make things even better, Rachel, her stepsister is also her best friend. But then it all goes wrong. Tony moves out and seems to be avoiding them. Hannah and Rachel fall out and Craig starts bunking off school. To make matters worse, Hannah suspects that Tony is seeing a mystery person from work and decides to investigate. If things don't get sorted out, Hannah's life will be ruined. How can she get Tony and her mum back together, sort things out with Rachel and make Craig act like his old self. Why is it that her parents have to be such a pain. There has to be a way to make life normal again.

v. 7

Don't Tell Mum

by Ann Bryant

Published 1 June 2002
This is the seventh book in the Step-Chain series. Other titles include: One Mum Too Many, You Can't Fancy Your Stepsister, She's No Angel, Too Good To Be True and Get Me Out Of Here and Parents Behaving Badly. Bethany hates secrets, but right now there are some things that she can't tell either Anne, her Stepmum, or Kathy, her real mum. Her mum will go mad when she realises Bethany's had her ears pierced. Anne will hit the roof if she ever finds out that Bethany let her stepbrother go off on his own in town. Then Bethany discovers the true identity of the shy young waiter working in Ric's cafe. Robby is not who he says he is, but if any of her family were to find out his true identity they would go ballistic...