Book 1

Stevie Diamond and her friend Jesse have a thief to catch. A thousand dollars is missing from her mother's apartment and although there are lots of suspects, there aren't very many clues. A worthy challenge for Stevie Diamond, Detective! Set in Vancouver, the very first Stevie Diamond Mystery is a funny and entertaining read.

Book 4

Stevie Diamond #04

by Linda Bailey

Published 1 September 1996

Book 4

In this Stevie Diamond Mystery, Stevie and Jesse, her partner in solving crime, are hot on the trail again. This time they're in Winnipeg, Manitoba --- in the dead of winter --- to clear Jesse's teenage uncle, who has been accused of stealing valuable carnivorous plants. Can they crack this case before Winnipeg puts them in the deep freeze?

Book 5

Book 5

The fifth book in the best-selling Stevie Diamond Mystery series, What's a Daring Detective Like Me Doing in the Doghouse? stars a pair of true-to-life kids who solve mysteries on their own.

Stevie and Jessie find a lost dog in Vancouver and accidentally dye it green. To their horror, they discover that the dog belongs to the visiting American president --- and that it has been stolen! Can they undo the dye job and catch the thief all in one short week? As the plot thickens with a host of suspicious characters, mystery fans are guaranteed a fast-paced, funny and compelling adventure that will keep them guessing to the end.

v. 2

Stevie Diamond. Age 12. Female. Private Detective. She and her partner, Jesse, have already cracked their first case. Now the pair is visiting Stevie's father at his tree-planting camp in the Rocky Mountains --- but how can they have a fabulous wilderness holiday when six-year-old Alexander, armed with a loaded squirt-gun, is trailing along? In this Stevie Diamond Mystery, when an international smuggler starts snooping around Alexander's house, baby-sitting suddenly becomes an occupation worthy of the Diamond and Kulniki Detective Agency.

In this Stevie Diamond Mystery, when the 13-year-old detective is given the opportunity to be an extra in a local film, she jumps at the chance. On set, Stevie and her detecting partner, Jesse, discover that a rash of accidents has the cast and crew believing the production is cursed. Now Stevie and Jesse have found themselves right in the middle of a mystery filled with lights, cameras --- and lots of action!

v. 3

This Stevie Diamond Mystery is a compelling and fast-paced adventure to keep readers guessing until the very end. Stevie and Jesse are in the thick of things once again. While they're helping Gertie, their 72-year-old neighbor, prepare for her big movie, something goes missing --- Gertie! The Diamond and Kulniki Detective Agency has another mystery to solve, and suddenly there are more exciting things than day camp to think about.

Even an experienced detective like Stevie Diamond can miss clues. All her life, a gigantic mystery was right there in her own family and she'd missed it, until now! How Can a Brilliant Detective Shine in the Dark? is a page-turning mix of mystery and comedy sure to capture the imaginations and tickle the funny bones of young readers everywhere. A Stevie Diamond Mystery.