If it Weren't for Sebastian

by Jean Ure

Published 9 September 1982

See You Thursday

by Jean Ure

Published 1 June 1981
This volume is part of a series of easy reading for GCSE/Key Stage 4 containing a selection of accessible, modern short novels and stories. The series is intended in particular for those teenage readers who find other books difficult or heavy-going. Many cross-curricular themes emerge from the reading: ecology, animal rights, apartheid, Vietnamese boat people, the Nazi persecution of the Jews, physical handicaps, the treatment of women in society and mixed marriages. Each book includes some ideas for participation with the text based on the National Curriculum. Students are encouraged to respond personally through log-keeping, note-making and after-reading activities. There are also interviews with the authors of the books.

Proper Little Nooryeff

by Jean Ure

Published 25 March 1982