Springer Series in Nonlinear Dynamics
2 total works
WAVE TURBULENCE is a state of a system of many simultaneously excited and interacting waves characterized by an energy distribution which is not in any sense close to thermodynamic equilibrium. Such situations in a choppy sea, in a hot plasma, in dielectrics under arise, for example, a powerful laser beam, in magnets placed in a strong microwave field, etc. Among the great variety of physical situations in which wave turbulence arises, it is possible to select two large limiting groups which allow a detailed analysis. The first is fully developed wave turbulence arising when energy pumping and dissipation have essentially different space scales. In this case there is a wide power spectrum of turbulence. This type of turbulence is described in detail e. g. in Zakharov et al. 1 In the second limiting case the scales in which energy pumping and dissipation occur are the same. As a rule, in this case a narrow, almost singular spectrum of turbulence appears which is concentrated near surfaces, curves or even points in k-space. One of the most important, widely investigated and instructive examples of this kind of turbulence is parametric wave turbulence appearing as a result of the evolution of a parametric instability of waves in media under strong external periodic modulation (laser beam, microwave electromagnetic field, etc. ). The present book deals with parametric wave turbulence.
Kolmogorov Spectra of Turbulence I
by V. E. Zakharov, Victor S. L'Vov, and Gregory Falkovich
Published 26 October 1992
Since the human organism is itself an open system, we are naturally curious about the behavior of other open systems with fluxes of matter, energy or information. Of the possible open systems, it is those endowed with many degrees of freedom and strongly deviating from equilibrium that are most challenging. A simple but very significant example of such a system is given by developed turbulence in a continuous medium, where we can discern astonishing features of universality. This two-volume monograph deals with the theory of turbulence viewed as a general physical phenomenon. In addition to vortex hydrodynamic turbulence, it considers various cases of wave turbulence in plasmas, magnets, atmosphere, ocean and space. A sound basis for discussion is provided by the concept of cascade turbulence with relay energy transfer over different scales and modes. We shall show how the initial cascade hypothesis turns into an elegant theory yielding the Kolmogorov spectra of turbulence as exact solutions. We shall describe the further development of the theory discussing stability probĀ lems and modes of Kolmogorov spectra formation, as well as their matching with sources and sinks. This volume is dedicated to developed wave turbulence in different media.