This volume is the first to illustrate the application of rhetorical theory and critical perspectives to explain public relations practices. It provides a systematic and coherent statement of the critical guidelines and philosophical underpinnings of public relations and as such should guide pedagogy and practice. It also supplies pedagogic and critical standards with which to meet the needs of an increasingly sophisticated society that tends to reject all of public relations as propaganda. With the enormous amount of money spent on product publicity and public policy debates, this book gives practitioners a sense of whether their public relations campaigns make a contribution to the organizational bottom line by means of achieving the timeless standards of the art of rhetoric.

Human Communication Theory and Research introduces students to the growing body of theory and research in communication, demonstrating the integration between the communication efforts of interpersonal, organizational, and mediated settings. This second edition builds from the foundation of the original volume to demonstrate the rich array of theories, theoretical connections, and research findings that drive the communication discipline. Robert L. Heath and Jennings Bryant have added a chapter on new communication technologies and have increased depth throughout the volume, particularly in the areas of social meaning, critical theory and cultural studies, and organizational communication.

The chapters herein are arranged to provide insight into the breadth of studies unique to communication, acknowledging along the way the contributions of researchers from psychology, political science, and sociology. Heath and Bryant chart developments and linkages within and between ways of looking at communication. The volume establishes an orientation for the social scientific study of communication, discussing principles of research, and outlining the requirements for the development and evaluation of theories.

Appropriate for use in communication theory courses at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level, this text offers students insights to understanding the issues and possible answers to the question of what communication is in all forms and contexts.

The Future of Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management brings together an outstanding group of public relations scholars and practitioners to consider the indelible theory building in public relations of James E. Grunig and Larissa A. Grunig, who with David M. Dozier, produced the 1992 IABC Excellence Study, a benchmark body of work examininga best practices in the public relations field.aIn this assembled collection, editor Elizabeth L. Toth and the contributors show how and in what ways the theories of the Excellence Study have developed and changed.aThey present research that advances excellence theories, adds new dimensions and directions to the excellence theories, and shows how the excellence study has moved on to a global stage.aToth and her colleagues challenge future researchers to continue the theory-building that will lead to understand how strategic public relations management contributes to organizations and society. aPublic relations and communication management scholars, in addition to practitioners and graduate students studying these areas, will benefit immensely from the work included here."

The social, cultural, and psychological impacts of mass media communication are explored in this volume by top media effects researchers. These experts review traditional topics (agenda setting, violence, aggression), and offer new insights into questions largely left untapped -- television addiction, pornography, the social effects of new technologies, and the idea that entertainment is itself a media effect.