150 Large-Print Word Search Puzzles!

Peace of Mind Bible Word Search combines brain-building fun with the truths and promises of scripture. Thanks to large, boldface print, puzzle enthusiasts young and old can enrich their free time finding words from Bible verses that include the names of Jesus. From Prince of Peace to Immanuel, Bread of Life to Messiah, each themed word find is a chance for readers to reflect on the love, grace, and sovereignty of Christ while finding satisfaction in solving a puzzle. Keep your brain sharp, your eyes at ease, and your heart full of God's Word!

  • Enjoy 150 word search puzzles based around Biblical themes
  • Highlights some of the most treasured passages and themes of the Bible
  • Large, bold print prevents eye strain while you test your Bible knowledge!
  • Complete answer key included

You may find that you're committing each verse to memory as you complete the puzzle! Clean, fun, and just challenging enough, this book is a perfect gift for the puzzler in your life.

Hope in Jesus

by Linda Peters

Published 1 February 2022

150 Large-Print Word Search Puzzles!

Peace of Mind Bible Word Search combines brain-building fun with the truths and promises of scripture. Thanks to large, boldface print, puzzle enthusiasts young and old can enrich their free time finding words from Bible verses that remind us of the hope we have in Jesus. From reflecting on Christ's grace (1 Peter 1:13), meditating on the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27), or holding fast to Christ's faithfulness (Hebrews 10:23), each themed word find is a chance for readers to marinate in scripture while finding satisfaction in solving a puzzle. Keep your brain sharp, your eyes at ease, and your heart full of God's Word!

  • Enjoy 150 word search puzzles based around Biblical themes
  • Highlights some of the most treasured passages and themes of the Bible
  • Large, bold print prevents eye strain while you test your Bible knowledge!
  • Complete answer key included

You may find that you're committing each verse to memory as you complete the puzzle! Clean, fun, and just challenging enough, this book is a perfect gift for the puzzler in your life.

150 Large-Print Word Search Puzzles!

Peace of Mind Bible Word Search combines brain-building fun with the truths and promises of scripture. Thanks to large, boldface print, puzzle enthusiasts young and old can enrich their free time finding words from Bible verses that remind us of the freedom we have in Jesus. From freedom from the law of sin (Romans 8:2), meditating on the responsibility of freedom (1 Corinthians 9:19), to reflecting on freedom in the Old Testament (Psalm 119:45), each themed word find is a chance for readers to marinate in scripture while finding satisfaction in solving a puzzle. Keep your brain sharp, your eyes at ease, and your heart full of God's Word!

  • Enjoy 150 word search puzzles based around Biblical themes
  • Highlights some of the most treasured passages and themes of the Bible
  • Large, bold print prevents eye strain while you test your Bible knowledge!
  • Complete answer key included

You may find that you're committing each verse to memory as you complete the puzzle! Clean, fun, and just challenging enough, this book is a perfect gift for the puzzler in your life.

150 Large-Print Word Search Puzzles!

Peace of Mind Bible Word Search combines brain-building fun with the truths and promises of scripture. Thanks to large, boldface print, puzzle enthusiasts young and old can enrich their free time finding words from Bible verses that remind us of Jesus's love. From familiar verses like John 3:16 to powerful promises like John 15:9, "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love,"each themed word find is a chance for readers to marinate in scripture while finding satisfaction in solving a puzzle. Keep your brain sharp, your eyes at ease, and your heart full of God's Word!

  • Enjoy 150 word search puzzles based around Biblical themes
  • Highlights some of the most treasured passages and themes of the Bible
  • Large, bold print prevents eye strain while you test your Bible knowledge!
  • Complete answer key included

You may find that you're committing each verse to memory as you complete the puzzle! Clean, fun, and just challenging enough, this book is a perfect gift for the puzzler in your life.

150 Large-Print Word Search Puzzles!

Peace of Mind Bible Word Search combines brain-building fun with the truths and promises of scripture. Thanks to large, boldface print, puzzle enthusiasts young and old can enrich their free time finding words from scriptures about the amazing women of the Bible. From Mary to Esther to Ruth and Naomi, each themed word find is a chance for readers to marinate in scripture while finding satisfaction in solving a puzzle. Keep your brain sharp, your eyes at ease, and your heart full of God's Word!

  • Enjoy 150 word search puzzles based around Biblical themes
  • Highlights some of the most treasured passages and themes of the Bible
  • Large, bold print prevents eye strain while you test your Bible knowledge!
  • Complete answer key included

You may find that you're committing each verse to memory as you complete the puzzle! Clean, fun, and just challenging enough, this book is a perfect gift for the puzzler in your life.

Fear Not

by Linda Peters

Published 5 September 2023

150 Large-Print Word Search Puzzles!

Peace of Mind Bible Word Search combines brain-building fun with the truths and promises of scripture. Thanks to large, boldface print, puzzle enthusiasts young and old can enrich their free time finding words from Bible verses that remind us not to be afraid. Did you know that "Fear not" is the most repeated command in the Bible? In fact, it appears 365 times, reminding us every day that we can trust God's goodness and love. From Old Testament commands to the Israelites ("For I am theLordyour God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will helpyou." Isaiah 41:13) to Jesus's words in the New Testament ("Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12:7), each themed word find is a chance for readers to marinate in scripture while finding satisfaction in solving a puzzle. Keep your brain sharp, your eyes at ease, and your heart full of God's Word!

  • Enjoy 150 word search puzzles based around Biblical themes
  • Highlights some of the most treasured passages and themes of the Bible
  • Large, bold print prevents eye strain while you test your Bible knowledge!
  • Complete answer key included

You may find that you're committing each verse to memory as you complete the puzzle! Clean, fun, encouraging, and just challenging enough, this book is a perfect gift for the puzzler in your life.

New Life in Jesus

by Linda Peters

Published 7 January 2025

150 Large-Print Word Search Puzzles!

Peace of Mind Bible Word Search combines brain-building fun with the truths and promises of scripture. Thanks to large, boldface print, puzzle enthusiasts young and old can enrich their free time finding words from Bible verses that remind us of the new life we have in Jesus. From Old Testament prophecies ("The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned." Isaiah 9:2) to the book of Revelation ("To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen." —Revelation 1:5b–6) find beautiful reminders of the gift that life in Jesus truly is.

  • Enjoy 150 word search puzzles based around Biblical themes
  • Highlights some of the most treasured passages and themes of the Bible
  • Large, bold print prevents eyestrain while you test your Bible knowledge!
  • Complete answer key included

You may find that you're committing each verse to memory as you complete the puzzle! Clean, fun, encouraging, and just challenging enough, this book is a perfect gift for the puzzler in your life.

Words of Comfort

by Linda Peters

Published 9 March 2021

150 Large-Print Word Search Puzzles!

Peace of Mind Bible Word Search combines brain-building fun with the comforting promises in scripture. Thanks to large, boldface print, puzzle enthusiasts young and old can enrich their free time finding hidden words and phrases from beloved selections of the Old Testament and New Testament. From the Psalms to Jesus's reminder not to be anxious about the future, each themed word find is a chance for readers to reflect on God's love, provision, and sovereignty while finding satisfaction in solving a puzzle. Keep your brain sharp, your eyes at ease, and your heart full of God's Word!

  • Enjoy 150 word search puzzles based around Biblical themes
  • Highlights some of the most treasured passages and themes of the Bible
  • Large, bold print prevents eye strain while you test your Bible knowledge!
  • Complete answer key included

You may find that you're committing each verse to memory as you complete the puzzle! Clean, fun, and just challenging enough, this book is a perfect gift for the puzzler in your life.