Book 1

When the Changewinds Blow

by Jack L. Chalker

Published 3 January 1991

She was haunted by Thunder and Plagued by Dreams... strange, dark dreams of a world beyond time and space, a land of magic and mystery. But Charley know it was more than a dream - for her friend Sam shared her visions.
Suddenly, the dreams become a a raging storm sweeps Charley and Sam to the fantastic land of Akahlar, where unicorns and griffins run free, an enchantress commands a den of unearthly pleasures, and a wizard warns of a terrifying, inescapable event:
The changewinds are coming...savage, purple - tinged storms that alter the shapes of man and beast alike. Soon, all creatures must look to the skies - and beware...

Riders of the Winds

by Jack L. Chalker

Published 24 June 2013

Behold the horned demon of the snows...
Who calls himself Klittichorn and schemes o destroy all Akahlar. With the power of the changewinds he can control the mighty storms that alter man and creature alike.

Beware his evil minions...
Who seek the beautiful Storm Princess in the Kudaan Wastes - lands that teem with frightful monsters and Storm Riders from the Inner Hells.

Run like the wind...
Or stand to fight with magic. For the fate not just of this but of all worlds is in the balance.