Book 1

Lucifer's Daughter

by Kel Carpenter

Published 15 February 2018

We've all heard the story of the Four Horsemen. Harbingers of the apocalypse. Destruction given form. Four of the sexiest--wait no--forget that. You get my point.

So imagine my surprise when I find out everything I've ever been told, is a lie.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves here. Let's start from the beginning.

My name is Ruby Morningstar. I run a tattoo parlor in Portland with my bestfriend, have a pet raccoon, a crazy ex that stalks me, not to mention this one little thing... I'm a demon. Half-succubus, to be exact. For the last twenty-three years of my life, that's the story I believed, but on the day a handsome stranger bails me out of jail my world is turned upside down, and suddenly I don't know who I am anymore.

Because the Four Horsemen aren't the bringers of the apocalypse.

I am.

Talk about never catching a break.

Book 2

Wicked Games

by Kel Carpenter

Published 15 February 2018

So…as it turns out, I really am Lucifer’s Daughter. Hell’s Heir. And—you guessed it—the next Queen of the Damned.

But what if I don’t want to rule?

With the imp in hiding, and Josh gone from this world, I still wasn’t safe. Not by a long shot. Dear ol’ Dad didn’t just pass on his legacy and mark. He also passed on all of Hell’s problems, and that means his enemies, are now mine.

Fortunately for me, I have the Four Horsemen, my banshee best friend, and a pissed off raccoon on my side.

But now I have the beast to contend with. My psychotic, possessive, and downright scary alter-ego was dead set on having the Horsemen, not only at my back, but in my bed. As if learning to control the flames of Hell wasn’t a hard enough job by itself.

Would it have been too hard for Lucifer to write a handbook before he died?

Book 3

Infernal Desires

by Kel Carpenter

Published 22 July 2018

They say there’s no rest for the wicked, and New Orleans never knew how true that was until I came to town.

Nobody told me that when I entered the transition, the very gifts of my demonic lineage would be used against me. Nobody warned me that the flames of Hell would burn from within. Or that I’d be driven to lust and madness, my chaotic magic becoming more wild and unruly than ever before.

The only way to save myself—and the world—was to give the beast what she wanted: control.

As if transitioning wasn’t enough, my presence was now known, and my enemies were mounting. While the beast was intent on claiming our Four Horsemen, there were things to be done. People to find. Demons to kill.

And when they make a deal with the devil—let’s just say that neither world will ever be the same again.

Long live the Queen.

If I can survive becoming immortal, that is.

Book 4

Brimstone Nightmares

by Kel Carpenter

Published 5 January 2019

As with everything else in my life, the descent into Hell was not so simple.

When I jumped into the portal I expected to find the Sins on the other side. I expected to find my people—demons—waiting and ready.

What I found were flames and fire and ash.

The apocalypse hadn’t waited for me. It had already begun.

Hell’s barriers were collapsing in on themselves—making my task of finding the Sins infinitely harder. As the Horsemen and I set out on our journey to find them, we discover that not all is what it seems.

A white-haired assassin once told me to beware of the evil that hides in plain sight.

I should have listened to her.

The fight for Hell has begun, and the duty of saving it lies solely on my shoulders, but to win—to survive—I must unravel the secrets of the past if any of us are to see the future.

I will take what is mine, even if I have to bleed for it.

Books 1-4

Queen of the Damned

by Kel Carpenter

Published 21 July 2020

We've all heard the story of the Four Horsemen. Harbingers of the apocalypse. Destruction given form. Four of the sexiest-wait no-forget that. You get my point.

So imagine my surprise when I find out everything I've ever been told, is a lie.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves here. Let's start from the beginning.

My name is Ruby Morningstar. I run a tattoo parlor in Portland with my bestfriend, have a pet raccoon, a crazy ex that stalks me, not to mention this one little thing... I'm a demon. Half-succubus, to be exact.

For the last twenty-three years of my life, that's the story I believed, but on the day a handsome stranger bails me out of jail my world is turned upside down, and suddenly I don't know who I am anymore.

Because the Four Horsemen aren't the bringers of the apocalypse.

I am.

Talk about never catching a break.

*This is an adult reverse harem series with mid-burn romance and a strong but relatable heroine. This series is incredibly funny, sexy, and fast-paced--but it can also be dark at times. If you need a trigger warning, then this probably isn't the series for you. If you can handle some grit in your stories and enjoy reading authors like C.M. Stunich, Tate James, Raven Kennedy, Kristy Cunning, Ivy Asher, Sadie Moss, and Linsey Hall, then one-click now!*

This omnibus contains:

1. Lucifer's Daughter
2. Wicked Games
3. Infernal Desires
4. Brimstone Nightmare
5. "A Day in the Life of Bandit" Short Story