'In this ever changing field, I would recommend this book as a valuable resource. As the author states, it certainly does point you in the right direction - a beginning' - Early Years

'This is a handy reference guide for all early years practitioners, but students and trainees in particular will value this comprehensive, but accessible guide to the terms in current use in the field of early education and childcare. It is easy to read and to find the information you are after' - Early Years Update

'In the rapidly changing field of Early Childhood Education and Care, Cathy Nutbrown has attempted a most difficult task - that of identifying the important topics that are relevant and interesting to practitioners working with young children. And how she has succeeded! This is a text that is comprehensive in its scope and written in a highly accessible style. It provides an informed and stimulating insight into the key concepts and issues in early years that will captivate readers. The book illuminates these concepts by combining current research, case studies and practical examples with helpful further reading. Like a chocolate box, I found it difficult to know which to choose first!' - Jonathan Doherty, Head of Early Childhood Education, Leeds Metropolitan University

Cathy Nutbrown, a leading academic in early childhood education, identifies and explains key terms and practices central to the work and study of early childhood in this accessible reference text.

A must for practitioners working with children from birth to the end of the foundation stage, and for students following courses in early childhood education and care, it details key issues, identified in a survey of over 300 practitioners in the field, and provides reading and reference sources to assist practitioners and students in identifying further material to support their work.

The book includes:

o Origins and definitions

o Research issues

o Examples from practice

o References and indicative further reading

o Links

o Key words

Highly readable, with clear indexing and cross referencing, this is an ideal book to turn to as a starting point for learning more about national and international issues in early childhood education and care.