NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1995

by Ben Bernanke

Published 24 January 1996
ContentsWage Inequality and Regional Unemployment Persistence: U.S. vs. Europe, Guiseppe Bertola and Andreas Ichino * Capital Utilization and Returns to Scale, Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum, and Sergio Rebelo * Banks and Derivatives, Gary Gorton and Richard Rosen * Exchange-Rate-Based Stabilizations: Theory and Evidence, Sergio Rebelo and Carlos Vegh * Inflation Indicators and Inflation Policy, Stephen Cecchetti * Recent Central Bank Reforms and the Role of Price Stability as the Sole Objective of Monetary Policy, Carl Walsh * Is Central Bank Independence (and Low Inflation) the Result of Effective Financial Opposition to Inflation?, Adam Posen * The Unending Quest for Monetary Salvation, Stanley Fischer