The Seasons Will Pass

by Audrey Howard

Published 1 November 2000
Clare Hanrahan has nothing left to lose when she stumbles into the arms of Lew Earnshaw. Her family is gone and her own life hangs by a thread after a desperate season seeking work. When he has nursed her back to health, Earnshaw is in love with the girl, but another man steals her heart.

Angel Meadow

by Audrey Howard

Published 7 October 1999
Nancy Brody is different from the rest of the folk in Angel Meadow, the appalling slum where her drunken mother Kitty was a prostitute before the day she disappeared . . . Only nine years old, Nancy decides to save her sisters Mary and Rose from the workhouse. She gets work for them all at the Monarch Cotton Manufacturing Mill - and then sets out to better herself and her sisters. Saving every penny, working every waking hour, Nancy succeeds, becoming a manufacturer herself.

But happiness seems as elusive for Nancy as it was when she was a mistreated child. Though he once said he loved her, Mick O'Rourke has become Nancy's worst enemy, and seems destined to take a terrible revenge on her and her sisters. And Josh Hayes, the man who truly loves Nancy, seems to be destined to be parted from her.

A Flower in Season

by Audrey Howard

Published 5 November 2002

Briony Marsden has led a hard life, forced to do the work of a grown man while enduring her drunkard father's taunts and blows. But when he goes too far one day, her fate becomes even worse as she makes her way alone in a heartless world.

Not quite alone. She has a friend - Lizzie Jenkins - who will do anything to help Briony re-open Moorend Mill. And Chad Cameron, the richest man in the district, has always admired Briony's spirit and determination. When her fortunes are at their lowest, he falls in love with the elfin waif and decides to make her his wife.

But the only way he can win her is by trickery - by betraying her naive trust in the man who came to her rescue when all seemed lost. Can their marriage survive when she discovers his deception?

A Place Called Hope

by Audrey Howard

Published 5 April 2001

To Sir Robert Blenkinsopp, his frail, exquisite wife Amy is just another possession - to be used, misused or discarded like anything else at Newton Law, his grand estate on Northumberland's wild moore.

The gamekeeper they call Duffy thinks he has never seen anything quite so brave as Amy Blenkinsopp as she faces up to her husband - and is overjoyed when the brute is found unconscious at the bottom of his own staircase, deprived of the power of speech and movement. With the help of Sir Robert's servants and the increasingly devoted Duffy, she makes the estate not only happier but richer as well.

But Sir Robert Blenkinsopp is not dead. Imprisoned in the wreck of his body, his only companion a loathesome servant, he is plotting a vicious revenge on Amy, on her children, and on the man who has come to love her.