The Joy of God

by H.A. Williams

Published February 1979
In this text, that is a celebration of joy as hope, H.A. Williams explores the world of selfhood, of other people, of nature and of the arts. It acts as a reminder that we are often in the position of the prodigal son who needs to be reminded of the joy of his father's home and also needs to be put back on the road towards it. Williams bids the reader to remember that the hole in the human heart cannot be filled with anything less than God.

True to Experience

by H.A. Williams

Published April 1984
True to Experience is a new anthology drawn from Williams' many profound and thought-provoking writings including much previously unavailable material. True to Experience, like Williams himself, is unorthodox by the tenets of contemporary Christianity, but encompasses the uncertainties and fears, the joys and sorrows common to us all. It expounds a God-given universal humanity to which both Christians and non-Christians can respond.

True Resurrection

by H.A. Williams

Published 12 February 1972
In this text, the author records his experience of the ultimate Christian triumph, the divine transformation of despair into glory.