Book 4

In Search of Her Own

by Carole Gift Page

Published 1 October 1997


Victoria Carlin yearned to find her son-the child she'd been forced to give up years ago. With the help of rugged private investigator Philip Anders, she searched for Joshua, clue by clue. Yet the truth remained hidden in shadows, and lie upon lie led them nowhere.

Victoria believed that Joshua was alive...and needed her. But how could she help him when all of her determination and Philip's expert skills had failed to unravel the mystery of the boy's disappearance? Now Victoria could only look to heaven above to help bring Joshua back to her arms, and serenity to her heart....

Welcome to Love Inspired (TM)-stories that will lift your spirits and gladden your heart. Meet men and women facing the challenges of today's world and learning important lessons about life, faith and love.

Book 22

Decidedly Married

by Carole Gift Page

Published 1 April 1998


Her life looked perfect, but Julie Ryan wondered why she felt so empty inside. Why did her charming husband and teenage daughter seem so distant? Julie whispered a simple prayer, asking that her family grow closer.

Suddenly her world went into a tailspin. First, a shocking suspicion about her husband, Michael. Then, just as the couple were weathering stormy emotions, their daughter made a startling confession. As Julie fought to save her family, she looked to the Lord for a helping hand...and prayed for the wisdom to understand His answers....

Welcome to Love Inspired (TM)-stories that will lift your spirits and gladden your heart. Meet men and women facing the challenges of today's world and learning important lessons about life, faith and love.

Book 40

Rachel's Hope

by Carole Gift Page

Published 1 October 1998


Pregnant? Rachel Webber was stunned by the news. She had a thirteen-year-old son-and never expected more. But the joy she felt for her unborn child was tempered by the realization that her husband might not share her happiness.

Lately, David seemed distant. It was as if something had come between them in their once-perfect marriage. Yet as Rachel recalled the thrill of their son's birth-the tender closeness she and her husband had shared then-this mother-to-be knew God had sent her and David a priceless gift.

Would this blessed event restore their precious love...and make them a family again?

Book 88

Family to Cherish

by Carole Gift Page

Published 1 February 2000


The tragic loss of their beloved daughter had been shattering for Doug and Barbara Logan. Even now, years later, grief shadowed their every waking moment, and it threatened to destroy the marriage they had been certain would last a lifetime....


Now another child-with no one to care for her-needed them desperately. But could they overcome their anguish and reach out to her, and to each other? Could love and faith-and the healing power of a little girl's smile-make them truly a family again...?

Book 141

Cassandra's Song

by Carole Gift Page

Published 1 June 2001


Determined to marry off her widowed father, concert pianist Cassandra Rowlands had finally met the perfect stepmother candidate-only to find herself falling for the woman's son. Enigmatic, reclusive Antonio Pagliarulo was everything Cassandra had learned to avoid. Yet she found herself helplessly drawn to the passionate tenor, certain her feelings couldn't possibly be mutual....

After years of self-imposed solitude, Antonio cared about Cassandra more than he had ever dreamed it was possible to love a woman. But he knew the minister's beautiful daughter was no stranger to heartache. He couldn't possibly expect her to understand his secret burden-or why he could never be free to marry....

Book 150

A Child Shall Lead Them

by Carole Gift Page

Published 1 September 2001


When social worker Brianna Rowlands set out to locate an orphaned infant's next of kin, romance was the last thing on her mind. But the moment she met dashing attorney Eric Wingate, she was smitten-and so was his cooing newborn niece. If only the three of them could become a real family....

Eric couldn't possibly squeeze fatherhood-or marriage-into his hectic agenda. Yet now that his arms had cradled precious baby Charity-and embraced the lovely Brianna-he found himself reluctant to let go. Perhaps somehow-Lord willing-he wouldn't have to....

Book 159

Bungalow for Two

by Carole Gift Page

Published 1 December 2001


Sculptor Frannie Rowlands figured some time alone at the windswept shore was all she needed to recover from a creative slump-and from her father' s and sisters' weddings. But when a near disaster brought her handsome neighbor to the rescue, Frannie realized that solitude wasn' t the only thing that was good for the soul....

At his tranquil beach house, Scott Winslow discovered he could live the simple life he craved. Now the reclusive billionaire had unexpectedly found something else there: a woman who had no idea who he was, a woman who might be able to love the real Scott-if only she would let herself....