Book 1

God's Story for You

by Neil T Anderson

Published 2 September 2014
Do You Know God's Purpose for Your Life?

In the beginning, God created heaven and earth, but He wanted something more, so He designed someone--a person in His own image. Picture the Master Potter shaping that first human form, bending, molding, and stretching this being from a lump of earth, and then breathing life into his body so that he could walk beside God.

Indeed, God had a plan for us--for you--from the very start.

In God's Story for You, Dr. Neil Anderson delves deep into God's plan for all of creation, the effects of the Fall, and the Lord's ultimate desire for redemption and reconciliation with His people. This first of eight Victory Series studies reveals the breadth of the gospel message and how you can become firmly rooted in Christ and set apart for Him. This study, with six sessions, can be used individually or in a group, and includes a leader's guide, along with illustrations and questions for deeper reflection and practical applications.

Discover who you were created to be in Christ, and how to live a liberated life . . . in Him.

Book 2

Your New Identity

by Neil T Anderson

Published 2 September 2014
You Can Find Freedom From Your Past

Like Jacob, who in the book of Genesis tricked his father into giving him his brother's blessing, we all struggle with our own painful choices. Often our attempts to fix our missteps result in an even more complicated web of destruction. Is it possible to escape the unending tangle of guilt and shame? Is there a better way toward wholeness?

In Your New Identity, Dr. Neil Anderson demonstrates that the two most important beliefs every Christian should possess is knowing who our heavenly Father is and who we are in Christ. This second of eight Victory Series studies will help you understand God's nature and character, and guide you to lay aside former ways and embrace your new life as a child of God. This study, with six sessions, can be used individually or in a group, and includes a leader's guide, along with illustrations and questions for deeper reflection and practical applications.

God is full of grace and mercy; He makes right what we in our fallen nature have made wrong. In Your New Identity, you will discover that, as Jacob learned, an encounter with the living God will change your life . . . forever.

Book 3

Your Foundation in Christ

by Neil T Anderson

Published 5 September 2014
Do Your Beliefs Reflect the Truth?

We all have faith in something. No doubt, the voices we listen to and follow will determine whether we live in freedom--or in bondage. Is your faith rooted in enduring truth? Or in the world's ever-changing messages? And how can you recognize one from the other?

In Your Foundation in Christ, Dr. Neil Anderson shows us how intricately intertwined we are with the God who created us, and how only His truth can set us free. In this third of eight Victory Series studies, you will discover what it means to live with Christ as your sure foundation, see your faith grow, gain power to live by His Spirit, and ultimately learn to overcome fear and live boldly for Him. This study, with six sessions, can be used individually or in a group, and includes a leader's guide, along with illustrations and questions for deeper reflection and practical applications.

Now is the time to deepen the roots of your faith, know more intimately the One who is truth alone--and courageously live out what you believe.

Book 4

Renewing Your Mind

by Neil T Anderson

Published 5 September 2014
Overcome the Hurts of Yesterday and the Fears of Tomorrow

As people created in the image of God, we have been given the capacity to choose what we do and do not believe. Yet even followers of Christ often stay mired in misguided ways and unhealthy thought patterns.

In Renewing Your Mind, Dr. Neil Anderson reminds us that faith is a journey of growth, and that as we mature in our beliefs, we should experience a total change from the inside out. In this fourth of eight Victory Series studies, you will learn how to allow Christ to rule in your heart, be led by the Spirit, tear down mental strongholds that keep you in bondage, live under grace, and overcome anger, depression, and losses. This study, with six sessions, can be used individually or in a group, and includes a leader's guide, along with illustrations and questions for deeper reflection and practical applications.

We are not called to dispel darkness on our own; instead, being an overcomer means knowing how to turn to the light of Christ, our source of truth. Only in doing so will we win the battle for our minds.

Book 5

Growing in Christ

by Neil T Anderson

Published 10 March 2015

Book 6

Your Life in Christ

by Neil T Anderson

Published 10 March 2015

Book 7

Book 8

Your Ultimate Victory

by Neil T Anderson

Published 10 March 2015