From Versailles to Maastricht is a history of international organisation in the twentieth century. While particular attention is paid to the League of Nations, the United Nations and the European Union, there are also chapters on other regional organisations and on international regimes in areas like the law of the sea, the international economic order, business rights and nuclear nonproliferation. The book's approach is thematic and analytical, while also aiming to provide a succinct factual account of the main developments in international organisations this century.

Since the end of the Cold War, international organisations have assumed a greater importance on the world stage. The United Nations has played a key role in all of the major security issues during this period - increasingly called upon to address other global problems such as poverty and international crime - while the European Union has created a single currency and moved towards the adoption of a constitution. The growing significance of the World Trade Organisation and other economic institutions has led some to talk of the emergence of a structure of global governance; and international non-governmental organisations and social movements are now widely seen as forming a kind of global civil society that both challenges and participates in these developments.

Building on the success of the previous edition (Versailles to Maastricht: International Organisation in the Twentieth Century), this book is a valuable introduction to the complex history of modern international organisation. David Armstrong, Lorna Lloyd and John Redmond:

- pay close attention to the League of Nations, the UN and the EU
- offer chapters on the new regionalism, global governance and international regimes and global civil society
- adopt a thematic and analytical approach to the subject
- provide a concise factual account of the rise of the international organisation