An Unexpected Addition

by Terese Ramin

Published 18 January 2002

Mary's Child

by Terese Ramin

Published 22 September 2000

A Drive-By Wedding

by Terese Ramin

Published 19 January 2001


Allyn Meyers was inexplicably drawn to the jogger running alongside her car even before he hopped in and kidnapped her at gun-point. But dangerously handsome Jeth Levoie was no ordinary carjacker. He was an undercover agent who'd just risked everything to save a child's life. And the only hope Jeth and the infant had of staying alive now was if Allyn would become his wife! But when Jeth sealed their temporary pack with a soul-shattering kiss, Virginal Allyn was drawn to him like a moth to the flame. And Allyn somehow knew that fate-not chance-had brought them together. Could she turn their drive-by-wedding into a real-life trip down the aisle?

Her Guardian Agent

by Terese Ramin

Published 15 March 2002