Hot on His Trail

by Linda Winstead Jones

Published 1 August 2001

The trial was supposed to be television reporter Shea Sinclair's big break - her chance to show the world she wasn't just some empty-headed "weather girl."

Then she became the story when Nick Taggert, a contractor on trial for murder, bolted from the courtroom and took her with him - at gunpoint.... But she soon found herself an all-too-willing "hostage." This man was dangerous, all right - especially to a woman who looked too long into those beautiful blue eyes of his - but he was no murderer.

And she intended to help him prove it. Because when they were finished running from the law, she was going to make him her prisoner - for life....

In Bed with Boone

by Linda Winstead Jones

Published 1 June 2002

The brutally handsome stranger in the black leather jacket wasn't exactly the kind of man Jayne Barrington encountered in her world of wealth and privilege.

But that scarcely mattered now, because he'd just dragged her into his world - at gunpoint! Boone Sinclair claimed she'd stumbled into an undercover investigation of a murderous drug cartel. And the only way he could keep her alive was to convince the real criminals he was keeping her prisoner - for his personal "pleasure."

It wasn't easy playing hostage to this man's passion. But it was even harder pretending - even to herself - that she didn't want to make this deadly masquerade the real thing.

Capturing Cleo

by Linda Winstead Jones

Published 1 March 2002

Wary and weary, detective Luther Malone longed to get away. Until he strolled into Cleo's and thoughts of solitary nights flew away....

Sultry and seductive in her nightclub, alluring and adorable at home, Cleo Tanner was trouble - but Luther couldn't stay away. Although he doubted Cleo had killed her ex-husband, it seemed another had done it for her. And then a second murder occurred. Was someone after people who upset Cleo?

Suddenly Luther had an idea. He'd get real close to Cleo, and then she'd spurn him. That should catch the killer's attention. Yet it also meant that Luther would be captured by Cleo. But would that be punishment...or the sweetest reward...?

Madigan's Wife

by Linda Winstead Jones

Published 19 October 2001


Ray Madigan. The sexy cop turned P.I. was tall and lean, with a smile that tripped hearts and shoulders tailor-made for resting a head on. The kind of guy Grace could fall for– had fallen for– in a heartbeat.

Her ex-husband. Her friend. Nothing more. Until witnessing a brutal murder put her life on the line. Grace turned to Ray without question, sought shelter in his protective embrace…and wished she' d never left him. Was it just the ever-burning passion, the way he still called her his wife? Or was it something more? Could they truly be meant for each other?

Bridger's Last Stand

by Linda Winstead Jones

Published 21 January 2000

Every Little Thing

by Linda Winstead Jones

Published 16 February 2001