Book 188

Winter Fire

by Pat Tracy

Published 1 September 1993

Book 392

Cade's Justice

by Pat Tracy

Published 7 December 1997

Gideon Cade Was Consumed By One Desire, until the night the angelic Emma Step, all fire and fury, demanded entry to his home and transformed his life.

But could she give the gift of her love to a man who harbored murder in his heart? Emma January Step had faced the challenges of a hard life head-on, but none had ever been as overwhelming as Gideon Cade, a wealthy, enigmatic man who seethed with an anger he seemed barely able to keep in check.

Why then did she feel the temptation to rouse him to passionate action?

Book 446

Burke's Rules

by Pat Tracy

Published 1 January 1999

Jayne Stoneworthy Knew Men Only Wanted One Thing

Burke Youngblood was no different, mistaking her for a "good-time gal" and insisting she follow his every command. But she had a stubborn streak wider than the Rockies - and she'd be more than happy to show it to him! Burke Youngblood swore that marriage did not create ties that bind. No, sir. They chafed!

But that was before he met the "Headmistress of Morals," Jayne Stoneworthy, a feisty, independent schoolteacher - and the most unlikely woman ever to buy a brothel! Besides, if he didn't make an honest woman out of her, who would?

Book 509

Hunter's Law

by Pat Tracy

Published 1 April 2000