A Marriage in the Making

by Natalie Fox

Published 9 May 1997

The unmarried wife!

Karis had been married once, and didn't intend to repeat the experience! She was devoted to her baby daughter, and she loved working as a nanny to five-year-old Josh. She didn't need a husband - and, even if she did, Josh's father would be the last man she'd choose!

But sometimes Karis felt more like Daniel Kennedy's wife than his employee. She shared a home with him, cared for his son... and found herself longing for his kisses! And now Daniel was suggesting Karis share his bedroom. Would his next proposal be marriage?

Promise of Passion

by Natalie Fox

Published 14 July 1995

Playing with fire!

Caroline Maxwell was a bright, intelligent single woman with a busy career and an adorable four-year-old girl in her care. Ellis Frazer , dynamic financier, was a confirmed bachelor with a sophisticated life-style. They were complete opposites, and Caroline knew an affair with Ellis could end in heartache.

But there was an explosive attraction between them, a promise of passion Caroline wasn't sure she could resist - or even wanted to!

Passion with Intent

by Natalie Fox

Published 10 February 1996