English Language Book Society student editions
2 total works
The purpose of this book is essentially to provide a sound second year course in mathematics appropriate to studies leading to BSc Engineering degrees. It is a companion volume to "Engineering Mathematics" which is for the first year. An ELBS edition is available.
This work was devised as a first-year mathematics course for engineering and science degree undergraduates and students of comparable courses. While formal proofs are included where necessary to promote understanding, the emphasis throughout is on providing the student with sound mathematical skills and with a working knowledge and appreciation of the basic concepts involved. The programmed structure ensures that the book is highly suited for general class use and for individual self-study, and also provides a ready means for remedial work or subsequent revision. The book contains 28 programmes. These include worked examples through which the student is guided with progressive responsibility, and conclude with a test exercise and a set of further problems for essential practice. Answers to all problems are provided.