Book 1


by James Treadwell

Published 2 February 2012

For centuries it has been locked away
Lost beneath the sea
Warded from earth, air, water, fire, spirits, thought and sight.

But now magic is rising to the world once more.

And a boy called Gavin, who thinks only that he is a city kid with parents who hate him, and knows only that he sees things no one else will believe, is boarding a train, alone, to Cornwall.

No one will be there to meet him.

Book 2


by James Treadwell

Published 4 July 2013

I am everything no longer forgotten.

I banish forgetting.

My seed has grown and become prophecy.

Truth walks the world above.

Magic is risen to the world once more.

In Cornwall, they have seen it rise: in an angel of death and endless, unseasonal snow.

Across the ocean, on a remote Canadian island, the blood and offerings and smoke of England seem nothing more than distant rumours of hysteria.

Until the girl disappears. And the whale comes. And The Plague spreads.

And nothing is as it was before.