Today's business world is changing faster than ever, and this combined with longer working lives means that the ability to change careers successfully (whether through choice or forced) is crucial to anyone who wants to be successful over a number of decades.

- Sunday: Use research to test the strength of your ideas and identify your transferable skills
- Monday: Understand the financial implications of changing your job and find ways to supplement your income
- Tuesday: Overcome lack of skills and experience by gaining new qualifications and considering work experience
- Wednesday: Assess the opportunities available within your company and convince your employers of your aspirations
- Thursday: Create an effective CV for the outside job market and learn how to get noticed without experience
- Friday: Explore your options when career change is forced on you and use the temporary job market as your 'Trojan horse'
- Saturday: Reduce your hours and responsibilities in your current job or find a career which is less demanding

Sunday: Understand the importance of first impressions and the common mistakes people make
Monday: Ensure your application is taken seriously with a cover letter that is concise, complements your CV and is targeted to the job you have applied for
Tuesday: Discover how to style and structure your cover letter with advice on forms of address, etiquette, fonts, margins and the importance of 'white space'
Wednesday: Design your cover letter to engage your audience and overcome the competition for advertised jobs
Thursday: Design a speculative cover letter to approach the invisible job market
Friday: Learn how to address cover letters to agencies and recruitment consultants
Saturday: Learn from your applications, whether successful or not, and develop your writing style for the future