Lone Girl Flyer

by Anthony Masters

Published 19 July 2001
Amy Johnson was only 27 when she flew solo from the UK to Australia in a Gypsy Moth in 1930. In this story, the central character is 12-year-old Tom Baxter, whose mother works for Amy's sponsor, Lord Wakefield. Tom meets Amy before her flight, and follows her progress around the globe. The book features excerpts from Amy's vividly written log, offering an insight into her personal thoughts, and an exciting account of some of the hair-raising episodes of her remarkable flight.

The search for the tomb of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, Tutankhamun, seems to be getting nowhere, until Ahmed thinks that he may have the answer. And who better to tell than the leader of the excavation, Howard Carter. The mystery begins to unfold as Carter and Ahmed embark on one of the greatest treasure hunts the world has ever seen...