Annals of Mathematics Studies
2 primary works • 4 total works
Book 81
Book 107
Characters of Reductive Groups over a Finite Field. (AM-107)
by George Lusztig
Published 2 March 2016
Discrete Series of GLn Over a Finite Field. (AM-81), Volume 81
by George Lusztig
Published 21 October 1974
In this book Professor Lusztig solves an interesting problem by entirely new methods: specifically, the use of cohomology of buildings and related complexes. The book gives an explicit construction of one distinguished member, D(V), of the discrete series of GLn (Fq), where V is the n-dimensional F-vector space on which GLn(Fq) acts. This is a p-adic representation; more precisely D(V) is a free module of rank (q--1) (q2--1)...(qn-1--1) over the ring of Witt vectors WF of F. In Chapter 1 the author studies the homology of partially ordered sets, and proves some vanishing theorems for the homology of some partially ordered sets associated to geometric structures. Chapter 2 is a study of the representation ? of the affine group over a finite field. In Chapter 3 D(V) is defined, and its restriction to parabolic subgroups is determined. In Chapter 4 the author computes the character of D(V), and shows how to obtain other members of the discrete series by applying Galois automorphisms to D(V). Applications are in Chapter 5. As one of the main applications of his study the author gives a precise analysis of a Brauer lifting of the standard representation of GLn(Fq).
Characters of Reductive Groups over a Finite Field. (AM-107), Volume 107
by George Lusztig
Published 21 June 1984
This book presents a classification of all (complex) irreducible representations of a reductive group with connected centre, over a finite field. To achieve this, the author uses etale intersection cohomology, and detailed information on representations of Weyl groups.