The Emerald City Of Oz

by L. F. Baum

Published 12 October 1979
Dorothy's aunt and uncle get acquainted with Oz after they lose their farm and Ozma invites them to live with her.

The Patchwork Girl of Oz

by L. F. Baum

Published 12 October 1979
Ojo the Unlucky is a Munchkin boy who, devoted to life with his uncle Unc Nunkie in the wilderness but on the verge of starvation, goes to see a neighboring "magician" and old friend of Unc's, Dr. Pipt. While there they see a demonstration of the Pipt-made Powder of Life, which animates any object it touches. Unc Nunkie and Dr. Pipt's wife are also the sufferers of the consequences of another of the Doctor's inventions, the Liquid of Petrifaction, which turns them into solid marble statues.