Zak has a new teacher, who is very nice. But when his animal family follows Zak to school, chaos ensues...

When a gnu comes to stay, Zak's animal family do their best to make the visitor happy. But this gnu does not know how to behave...

Zak receives a curious parcel, which turns out to contain a new friend - an intelligent plant. But what can he feed her?

A burglar gets a nasty shock when he creeps into Zak Zoo's house at night, only to be greeted by a python, a crocodile, a buffalo and a bear!

Zak and his animal family are off for a day at the seaside. But the locals don't seem pleased to see them...

When a gnu comes to stay, Zak's animal family do their best to make the visitor happy. But this gnu does not know how to behave...

It's Nanny Hilda's birthday and she's got the day off. Can Zak possibly keep the household under control while she's gone?

Zak Zoo and the TV Crew

by Justine Smith

Published 7 June 2012
When the media catch on to Zak Zoo's unusual home life, he becomes famous! Unfortunately having TV cameras following him to the bathroom soon becomes a bit much for Zak...