Book 9

The Dawn of Day

by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Published 31 December 1974

Book 11

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) has been proclaimed the seminal figure of modern philosophy as well as one of the most creative and critically influential geniuses in the history of secular thought. "Writing in blood" and "philosophizing with a hammer," Nietzsche scathingly criticized modern civilization's basic ideas, beliefs, and values, and...Read more

This new translation is the first to be published in a twenty-volume English-language edition of The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, the first complete, critical, and annotated translation of all of Nietzsche s work. The Stanford edition is based on the Colli-Montinari edition, which has received universal praise: It...Read more

This volume in The Complete Works presents the first English translations of Nietzsche's unpublished notebooks from Winter 1874/1875 through 1878, the period in which he developed the mixed aphoristic-essayistic mode that continued across the rest of his career. These notebooks comprise a range of different materials, including early drafts...

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Written on the threshold of Thus Spoke Zarathustra during a high point of social, intellectual and psychic vibrancy, The Joyful Science (frequently translated as The Gay Science) is one of Nietzsche's thematically tighter books. Here he debuts and practices the art of amor fati, love of fate, to explore...

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