2 primary works • 14 total works
Book 6
Book 10
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin 7
by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, Hajime Yatate, and Yoshiyuki Tomin
In the seventh volume of Gundam: THE ORIGIN, the Zeon have begun to show their might against the Earth Federation. For the longest time there has been a belief that the Zeon have evolved into a new form of man. These Spacenoids have not been forced to the stars; they were destined to them. And while there are still Earth colonies across the solar system, the Zeon were chosen to unify them all. Ultimately, the politics of space and the oppression shown by The Confederation has driven the Zeon to make some brutal choices . . . some of them akin to genocide!
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin Volume 8
by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko and Yoshiyuki Tomin
In the eighth volume of Gundam: THE ORIGIN, readers are sent back to the war at hand. The White Base continues to be chased across the Earth by Zeon forces. The story shifts away from the jungles and deserts of the Americas, moving into much more urban settings in Europe.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin 2
by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, Hajime Yatate, and Yoshiyuki Tomin
To prove his worth, Garma engages the Feds soon after his brief reunion. The results were not ideal. In fact, the Federation may have found new weapons for their defense in the process. And Garma, who led the charge himself, was fortunate to survive this first confrontation.
Now with the White Base heading towards South America, and word of an insurgence movement developing, Garma must find a way to quash the Federation's plans...There is no turning back!
On the Zeon side, their leadership has been shaken to its core. A grand ceremony is produced in honor of a fallen Zabi youth. Shocked by this death, there are many within the Zeon ranks left frustrated with intent on seeking vengeance.
Caught in the crossfire of an outer space war between the Earth Federation and the invading Principality of Zeon, mechanic-turned-robot-jockey Amuro boards and commands the Gundam. Thrust into the front lines defending those he loves from a silent enemy, can Amuro and the Gundam save the colony's survivors or destroy them?
Although he began his career as an animator, the honored author of Gundam, Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, was the winner of the Japanese Sci-Fi Association's Nebula Award and the Grand Prize from the Japan Comic Artist Association.
Mobile Suit Gundam: THE ORIGIN 1
by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, Hajime Yatate, and Yoshiyuki Tomin
Caught in the crossfire is a young teen named Amuro Ray. Not willing to see innocent people die like this, Amuro crawls into the cockpit of the closest machine around him. Whether it be a tank, jeep or jet, he was going to use it to help stop this slaughter. And what he happened to slide into was another Gundam. Having never operated a machine like this, what are the chances he can do anything to repel an experienced squad of mech-piloting invaders?
Volume 1 includes:
- an essay from Hideaki Anno, director of the hit anime Neon Genesis Evengelion
- Color pages from Yas
- And an essay from Kadokawa Publishing Executive Shinichiro Inoue
In the ninth volume of Gundam: THE ORIGIN, the Earth Federation's White Base has now returned to space and is on the offensive. After long being chased around the solar system and across the Earth, they are on the hunt for what remains of the Zeon military establishment. Much has changed over the many weeks since the crew of the White Base fled to Jaburo with a prototype Mobile Suit on board, but now they have knowledge of who and what is awaiting them around the moon.
In the sixth volume of Gundam: THE ORIGIN, Casval Deikun has changed his identity. Aware of those who betrayed his family, and the fact that they are now leading the Zeon movement, the headstrong young man has enlisted in the Zeon military with ambitions to hide among their ranks and eventually bring down its figureheads.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin 5
by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, Hajime Yatate, and Yoshiyuki Tomin
Almost instantly, on the streets, the masses have risen calling for independence and have set protests in front of Earth Federation headquarters on Side-3. The calls for Earthnoids to return to their planet eventually would push the Federation to take up arms hoping to combat these riots. The hostilities pit men versus tanks on the streets of this colony and appear to not be letting up.
Meanwhile, Deikun's family, including his children Artesia and Casval, are soon taken into hiding by a Zeon loyalist—Ramba Ral.