Solve It Yourself
4 total works
This is the second title in Usborne''s new se ries, where you, the reader, are the detective. This time yo u''re in hot pursuit of some diamond thieves, who are leaving a trail of theft and mayhem across the globe, as well as th e odd clue too. '
Reports have reached good King Alvin that th e evil Baron Toadfettle has hatched a plot to hold a loyal s ubject prisoner at Portcullis Castle - and it''s up to you to find out who. All the evidence you need can be found lurkin g within the photos. '
-- Twenty detailed color photographs filled with clues and red herrings-- Exciting and challenging mystery stories with brain teasing puzzles
Who Shot the Sheriff? is an exciting Wild We st adventure, in which the reader must play the detective in order to solve the mystery. '