Book 865


by Jan Hambright

Published 9 August 2005


Finding the carjacker who'd killed his wife and child was ex-homicide cop Mick Jacoby's number one priority. Rumor had it a member of the Robear family was involved, but for five years all leads had gone nowhere. Until a routine auto-theft investigation led Mick to gorgeous Kate Robear.

A repo agent fleeing her family's dark legacy, Kate's only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the heart-stealing cop in the leather jacket refused to let her out of his sight...especially when the attempts on Kate's life began. Now, teamed up with Mick to stop a relentless killer, Kate was facing a risk she hadn't reckoned on: falling passionately, hopelessly in love.

Book 943

On Fire

by Jan Hambright

Published 1 September 2006


Arson investigator Kade Decker had his hands full with four suspicious fires and no leads. Complicating matters was crime-scene psychologist Savannah Dawson's appearance at each investigation-and the red-hot attraction that raged between them.


And when it became clear that the same person responsible for setting the terrifying blazes had begun to target Savannah, honor demanded Kade offer his protection. But as danger around them fueled their desire, a burning question remained: Would the combustible passion between them be extinguished by the madman on their trail?

Book 997

Book 1040

Around-The-Clock Protector

by Jan Hambright

Published 1 January 2008

It was a 24/7 job…little did he know it would last for nine months!

Carson Nash had been tasked with an important mission: rescue a fellow agent and deliver her safely to the CIA. But he never anticipated that agent would be Ava Ross, a woman with whom he’d shared one forbidden night before she disappeared without a trace.

Seeing Ava and discovering she had no memories of the last few months was like losing her all over again. But learning she was pregnant – with his child – made this job a lot more personal. Now, amid dodging bullets, Carson must help Ava unlock her past if they have a chance of finding a future together!

Book 1400

Bridal Falls Ranch Ransom

by Jan Hambright

Published 1 January 2013