Following on from the success of "Hold Ye Front Page", this is an irreverent look at the history of the universe through the eyes of Britain's biggest-selling newspaper. "Hold Ye Front Page" took on the enormous challenge of recording 2000 years' history in a witty, yet factual manner. Having sold over 75,000 copies and won an award for "Excellence in Tabloid Journalism" at the British Press Awards 2000, "The Sun" is at it again. This time the team is covering the 21 billion years it missed - Big Bang to the birth of Jesus Christ. Told in the inimitable "Sun" style, the book gives full front page coverage to major events such as the creation of the Universe - "BANG!"; Samson and Delilah "Why, why, why, Delilah?"; and the creation of the wheel "You Get to Roll With It".