In 1939 it was thought that, as a diversionary tactic, Germany might launch an attack on the coast-line of Cheshire from southern Ireland. To back this up, it was expected that there might be multiple parachute landings across the county. As plans to repel any assault were developed, invasion committees were set up and a covert army was formed made up of local shipyard workers, school teachers and postmen. Underground hides were built and training was given in the servicing and firing of weapons including hand grenades. Author Ron Freethy has talked to a great many of those who took part in covert operations and uses their first-hand accounts to tell the story.

The Blackpool Aviation week in 1909 marked the beginning. Early pioneers performed a number of flying feats which were rewarded with prizes given by the Daily Mail and the then Manchester Guardian. After this Henry Greg Melly set up a flying school on Freshfield beach at Formby and A V Roe founded his AVRO company. Meanwhile, English Electric decided to open up an aircraft building firm based at Samlesbury near Preston. They produced the Hampden and Halifax bombers used during the Second World War. Ron Freethy's well researched book also includes many firsthand accounts provided by local people from their own memories and those of their parents. These bring the story alive and, combined with many photographs, create a lasting record of the county's place in British aviation history.

This illustrated book tells the story of the ordinary people of Lancashire during the Second World War and their valuable contribution to the war effort: from their work in the weapons factories, to "digging for victory" and coping with the day to day deprivations of war.

Lancashire 1939-1945

by Ron Freethy

Published 10 November 2005
An illustrated story of the ordinary men and women of Lancashire during the Second World War and their valuable contribution to the war effort: from their work in the factories, making weapons and uniforms, to 'digging for victory' and coping with the day to day deprivations of war.

Those Were the Days

by Ron Freethy

Published 8 November 2001
This is a nostalgic look back at life in the county in the 1940's, 1950's and 1960's with original photographs and advertisements.