10 Dead Guys You Should Know

by Ian Maddock

Published 8 January 2021

Ten fascinating bite–sized biographies of the Christians people expect you to know.

While Christians have always prized the Bible as our ultimate authority in matters of faith and practice, we also recognize that the Christian life is an intergenerational and communal activity. This collection of ten short biographies will introduce you to Christians from a variety of places and times, who all boldly preached the gospel, despite the risk to personal reputations and safety. How short–sighted it would be not to glean insights from our ancestors, whether that entails learning how to walk in their steps – or else avoiding their missteps.

Written by Ian Maddock, Rachel Ciano and Stuart Colton, who all teach church history and edited by Ian Maddock. Each chapter has suggested further reading, and additional suggestions ‘for the adventurous’.


Chapter Headings:

1. Athanasius: Against the World

2. Augustine: The Grace of God Defeated Me

3. Anselm: Faith Seeking Understanding

4. Martin Luther: Here I Stand

5. Thomas Cranmer: Lord Jesus, Receive My Spirit

6. Richard Baxter: Keep These Hearts Above

7. John Wesley: A Brand Plucked from the Burning

8. Hudson Taylor: These I Must Bring Also

9. Spurgeon: Preaching, Prayer and Perseverance

10. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Discipleship


This book is ideal for anyone wanting a biref, entertaing and illuminating overview of the lives and beliefs of these ten giants of Christian history.

10 Dead Gals You Should Know

by Ian Maddock and Rachel Ciano

Published 12 September 2023

Bite–sized biographies of inspirational Christian women.

Spanning two millennia and multiple continents, these stories will introduce you to great women in the history of the Christian faith. From Mary in first century Judea, to Catherine Booth in nineteenth century Britain, to Gladys Aylward in twentieth century China. Perpetua and Jane Grey lived brief lives cut short by their conspicuous and brave fidelity to Jesus, while Corrie ten Boom, although no less courageous, lived a long life that testified to God’s compassion and forgiveness.

For all their differences, each one of these women has left an indelible legacy on our collective intergenerational Christian consciousness. Each are worth knowing. To know someone’s story is a privilege. We hope you’re encouraged in your Christian walk as you read of theirs.

The women whose stories are included in this book are:

  • Mary
  • Perpetua
  • Catherine of Siena
  • Jane Grey
  • Anne Hutchinson
  • Anne Dutton
  • Selina, Countess of Huntingdon
  • Catherine Booth
  • Gladys Aylward
  • Corrie Ten Boom