
by Jeff Mariotte

Published 6 July 2004
Kerry is enjoying working at a California resort when a handsome young man, Daniel Blessing enters her life. He's on the run from a powerful witch named Season.

Witch Season

by Jeff Mariotte

Published 1 October 2004

Witch Season Summer

by Jeff Mariotte

Published 6 July 2004


by Jeff Mariotte

Published 1 January 2005
Kerry has seen the error of her trusting ways. Turning to someone for help turned out to be a complete mistake. So now she is back on her own -- mulling over the same issues, stuck with the same baggage: Find the witch named Season. Avenge Daniel's death. Decipher the ancient witch stories. The difference is that this time Kerry is armed. For starters, she's picked up more than a few tricks of the witchy trade herself. To boot, she's got the knowledge that everything is definitely not as it once seemed. So even if her quest gets blown off track, Kerry is prepped. The trick to navigating her topsy-turvy path is figuring out who she can trust. As Glinda once astutely asked, "Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?" This winter, that's the million-dollar question.


by Jeff Mariotte

Published 1 October 2004


by Jeff Mariotte

Published 22 March 2005
Kerry's life has done a one-eighty. Once she was a college kid with a summer share. A girl whose friends affectionately called her Bulldog. Now she's gotten mixed up with real live witches who are embroiled in a centuries-old feud. For months Kerry's been on a hunt to uncover the truth. She's visited bizarre places and gained extraordinary skills. In a quest to uncover the secrets of the past, she's discovered a magical part of herself she never could have imagined. As the final season begins, Kerry realizes she is the only one who can end this witchy war. Doing so, however, will cause one last, unbelievable twist. A twist that will change Kerry's life -- and that of her friends -- forever.