In Trouble with Bertie Barker

by Rose Impey

Published 7 October 2010
When Nipper has to look after his twin sisters, he's a sitting target for those mean basement rats. But a funfair ride gives Nipper the perfect plan for revenge ...

In Trouble with Great Aunt Twitter

by Rose Impey

Published 2 September 2010
Nipper's in trouble again. Mrs McFee wants him to join the choir. How can he avoid the choir and pay back those mean basement rats?

In Trouble with Growler Grimes

by Rose Impey

Published 2 September 2010
Nipper's in trouble at school. It wasn't his fault - it was those sneaky basement rats. And his punishment is so embarrassing ...

In Trouble with Mrs McFee

by Rose Impey

Published 3 March 2011
Nipper has had his fill of trouble. He decides to go to sea! But even when Nipper stows away on a ship, he can't escape those pesky basement rats ...

In Trouble with Mrs Lulu Lamb

by Rose Impey

Published 7 October 2010
Those basement rats have well and truly trapped Nipper. In a lift! It's well past suppertime and he's starving. Who will save him?

In Trouble with PC Poodle

by Rose Impey

Published 5 May 2011
Nipper and his friends are looking for a new den - one where they can stay out of trouble. But their old enemies, the basement rats, have other ideas ...

Nipper wants to go to the firework display. He needs money - and a plan that's trouble-free. But with those sneaky basement rats on his tail, trouble can't be far away ...

Those rotten basement rats have found a new way to get Nipper! They will scare Primrose Paws, and get Nipper into BIG trouble. But Nipper has a plan of his own ...