Book 98

"Those who received help from The Power of Positive Thinking will find in these pages further guidance toward a more dynamic and creative life." -- Norman Vincent Peale

What's the secret to feeling alive all your life? A positive attitude. In this upbeat and practical guide to joyous living, Dr. Peale shows in example after example how the magic of attitude can perform miracles in your daily existence. He proves that only with deep and honest belief -- in yourself, your work, and in God -- can these miracles occur. He also makes clear that the achievement of lasting fulfillment is an active process and shows you how to:
put positive thinking into action
use the magnificent power of belief
learn from your mistakes
make enthusiasm work wonders
attain self-confidence
move beyond pain and suffering
lift depression and live vitally

Book 125

"If you want to live in this tough world and still have some real faith and optimism, this book is for you." -- Norman Vincent Peale

The many ills of the modern world can be debilitating. With so much seemingly senseless violence, pain, and destruction, we need a lot of inner strength to overcome cynicism and despair -- and to remain hopeful about the future. With Dr. Peale's careful guidance, you can achieve happiness and security by learning how to:
Conquer your fear
Free yourself of guilty feelings
Live well and prosper, personally and professionally
Become physically healthy -- the natural way
Stay enthusiastic even in poor circumstances
Tackle problems hopefully and creatively
Harness the power of prayer

Book 151

"I am convinced that the fortunate individuals who achieve the most in life are invariably activated by enthusiasm." -- Norman Vincent Peale

If you have a tough time coping with life's disturbances, disappointments, and challenges, this book is for you. Dr. Peale offers a simple, sure-fire solution for stress: a healthy dose of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the magic ingredient that can make the difference between success and failure, and it can help you to:
improve your problem-solving abilities
overcome your fears
sharpen your mind
make your job more rewarding
calm your tensions
build self-confidence
kindle the powerful motivation that makes things happen

Book 160

"The positive principle is based on the fact that there is always an answer, a right answer, and that positive thinking through a sound intellectual process can always produce that answer." -- Norman Vincent Peale

How do you turn potentially devastating situations into actual life-strengthening experiences? Through the positive principle. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Peale shows you how to renew and sustain the power of positive thinking...and take a new look at the word impossible. Using the positive principle, you'll learn how to:
Organize your personality forces into action
Use self-repeating enthusiasm
Drop old, tired, gloomy thoughts and habits
Work wonders with a can-do attitude
React creatively to upsetting situations
Believe that nothing can get you down
Use the power of faith to come alive

The phenomenal and inspiring bestseller by the father of positive thinking. THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING is a practical, direct-action application of spiritual techniques to overcome defeat and win confidence, success and joy. Norman Vincent Peale, the father of positive thinking and one of the most widely read inspirational writers of all time, shares his famous formula of faith and optimism which millions of people have taken as their own simple and effective philosophy of living. His gentle guidance helps to eliminate defeatist attitudes, to know the power you possess and to make the best of your life.

Would you like to know how to be happy? Norman Vincent Peale, in collaboration with outstanding psychiatrist Smiley Blanton, shares his wisdom and years of professional experience in this empowering and easy-to-read book.

In an anxious, fast-paced and increasingly uncertain world, more and more people are battling with a sense of emptiness in their lives, a lack of real purpose or even full-blown depression. Drawing on ancient truths, spiritual wisdom and discoveries of modern psychology, The Art of Real Happiness offers a clear blueprint to help you find peace of mind, contentment and real personal happiness.

A classic bestseller that has already helped thousands of people around the world change their lives for the better and can now help you too.

No 61

"This is a result book....It is the story of the thrilling things that happened to people when they applied the principles of dynamic change to their lives." -- Norman Vincent Peale

This accessible, all-encompassing guide will help you to achieve success and confidence, a sense of well-being, and an inner strength that you never dreamed possible. How? Through positive thinking -- a form of thought that involves looking for the best results from the worst conditions. Dr. Peale's time-honored methods include:
step-by-step advice for developing personal strength
confidence-building words to live by
sound, sensible ways to overcome self-doubt
effective strategies for achieving good health
a program to release the vast energies within you
accepting ourselves and our individual needs
embracing the spiritual forces that surround you

"Change your thoughts and you change your life." -- Norman Vincent Peale

A Guide to Confident Living shows you how to release your inner powers to achieve confidence and contentment. Using accessible language, Dr. Peale helps you find the way to new energy that will actually revitalize your life. Here, he offers advice on how to:
free your inner powers
"talk out" your troubles
lose your inferiority complex
achieve a calm center for your life
practice the power of prayer
find freedom from fear and sorrow
attain marital, professional, and personal happiness