Version 3 of Word for Windows includes enhanced drawing and charting tools, true networking capabilities and an enhanced macro language called Word BASIC. This volume is part of the "Solutions" series, designed for users who do not have the time nor the inclination to read through a lot of text. The Troubleshooting Guide in the front of the book lists all tasks in the book, giving short-cut keys for each and the page number on which the task is discussed.

This excellent, task-oriented guide does not waste words describing topics so users can solve their problems quickly and move on. Images to identify screen parts and definitions of key terms are located in one place--at the book's beginning. All tasks are cross-referenced in the Troubleshooting Guide and are cross-referenced to each other in the text. The unique What to do if'' section is extremely advantageous should unexpected results occur.

A compact guide with step-by-step directions for those who want complete solutions, organized by task, so they can solve their problem quickly and move on. The Troubleshooting Guide, in the front of the book, lists all tasks, gives shortcut keystrokes for each including the page number for a full discussion of the task.