U.S. Employer's Guide

by Amy L Greenspan

Published 12 May 2006
This Guide is a comprehensive single-volume employment law manual that covers federal employment laws and provides an overview of state regulations on vital topics. The U.S. Employer's Guide, written in plain English, gives clear and concise explanations of today's complex employment laws. Relevant topics always covered in the Guide include hiring, wrongful termination, discrimination and harassment, hours and pay, benefits and leave, privacy, OSHA, workers' compensation, and unemployment compensation. High-lights of additions to this 13th Edition of the U.S. Employer's Guide include: new sections on managing personnel records, emergency preparedness, OSHA training, and global outsourcing; discussion of new regulations under federal law on rights of employees serving in the military (USERRA); discussion of new federal regulations defining Internet applicant; updated discussion of the pre-employment testing; and expanded discussion of controlling employee Internet use, including instant messaging and blogging.