Pilots and What They Do

by Liesbet Slegers

Published 24 November 2016
The pilot flies the airplane along with his co-pilot. He has to make sure the passengers arrive safely. That's why he has to keep an eye on things like the altitude and the plane's speed during the flight. The airport control towers that he passes over tell him how and where he has to take off, fly and land. An instructive, engaging picture book for toddlers about airline pilots.

Doctors and What They Do

by Liesbet Slegers

Published 22 November 2017
A new entry in Liesbet Sleger's bestselling professions series! Now in a simplified and fun pocket-sized edition.

The doctor knows a lot about the body. Wearing her doctor's coat and using her doctor's tools, she examines her patients. Fevers, all kinds of pain, wounds and fractures - the doctor knows them all. Isn't it nice that we have doctors to heal us and to help us stay healthy?

An instructive book for children about doctors and what they do. For ages 4 and up.

Guided Reading Level K

“This cute book would be great to read to your child who is going to the dentist for the first time.” - Carla Johnson-Hicks, Educator

It’s nice to have strong, healthy teeth. That’s why you need to take care of them every single day. Of course you can brush your teeth by yourself, but now and then you have to show your shiny teeth to the dentist. The dentist knows all about teeth and explains all the do’s and dont’s of dental hygiene.

A playful and informative book for children about oral hygiene. For ages 4 and up.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Liesbet Slegers’s successful book series helps young children search for the answer to that important question. Do you like food and cooking? You might want to be a chef. If you are afraid of heights, becoming a pilot probably isn’t the right career choice. Or maybe you like school so much that you decide to become a teacher? There are so many wonderful careers to choose from!
With clear language and cheerful drawings, this series presents many of the most popular professions. Each book is packed with fun facts, new words, and interesting stories of real professionals.
Do you know why an astronaut wears such a funny suit? How about why it is so difficult to be a ballerina or a racecar driver? Or why it’s important to visit the dentist twice a year? Read these books to learn the answers to these questions!
So . . . what do you want to be when you grow up?

“Toddlers will enjoy learning about helpful heroes. Very engaging.” - Whitman Public Library

Fires are really dangerous. Luckily there are firefighters! They jump into their special suits and within minutes they are at the fire. But they also help people in other ways….

An instructive picture book for children about the brave men who fight fires. For ages 4 and up.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Liesbet Slegers’s successful book series helps young children search for the answer to that important question. Do you like food and cooking? You might want to be a chef. If you are afraid of heights, becoming a pilot probably isn’t the right career choice. Or maybe you like school so much that you decide to become a teacher? There are so many wonderful careers to choose from!
With clear language and cheerful drawings, this series presents many of the most popular professions. Each book is packed with fun facts, new words, and interesting stories of real professionals.
Do you know why an astronaut wears such a funny suit? How about why it is so difficult to be a ballerina or a racecar driver? Or why it’s important to visit the dentist twice a year? Read these books to learn the answers to these questions!
So . . . what do you want to be when you grow up?

A ballerina dances every day. She has to get enough sleep, eat healthy food, and stay fit. She has lots of tutus, tights and leg warmers. She uses special shoes, called pointe shoes, to dance on her toes. She keeps practicing until all the steps look perfect. When she has a performance, excitement grows. She is the star of the night and thunderous applause follows. A cheerful and informative book at toddler level about ballerinas and ballet dancing.