Estuarine waters are an important source of drinking water for people living along the coasts. These waters tend to exhibit high concentrations of natural organic matter (NOM), bromide, salts, pathogens, and others, which create a challenge to drinking water suppliers that treat such waters. Thus, any utility using estuarine waters may need to consider advanced technologies and/or disinfectants (e.g., membrane filtration, MIEX (R) resin, chlorine dioxide, UV disinfection) to meet current or future drinking water regulations.

The objectives of the study were to (1) determine disinfectant combination(s) that optimize microorganism inactivation and limit disinfection by-products (DBP) formation; (2) investigate technologies (coagulation, granular activated carbon (GAC), MIEX (R) resin, and membranes) in conjunction with disinfectants with regard to their applicability to treat estuarine waters; (3) investigate the impact of multiple disinfectants on distribution system water quality; (4) evaluate the operational issues associated with ultraviolet (UV) disinfection, and (5) provide a comparative cost analysis for the proposed solutions.

The project included several desktop studies including a literature review, a review of the current and future regulations, and analyses of raw and treated water quality data available from the participating utilities. Pilot- and bench-scale testing were conducted to evaluate different disinfectant combinations (involving chlorine, monochloramine, chlorine dioxide, ozone, UV disinfection, and potassium permanganate) and treatment strategies on DBP formation and treated water quality.

The study examined the effect of MIEX (R) resin, as well as MIEX (R) in combination with coagulation or membranes, on NOM and bromide removal. Demonstration-scale UV reactors (medium pressure [MP] and low pressure high output [LPHO]) were studied to provide data on implementation issues, particularly, power quality, UVT variability, sleeve fouling, and sensor reliability. Conceptual level cost estimates were also developed as part of all the tasks.

The objective of this work was to understand public perceptions about chlorinous tastes, tap water quality, and how perceptions impact customer choices with respect to tap water alternatives such as bottled water and point of-use/point-of-entry treatment devices (POU/POEs). Earlier studies indicated that the leading cause of consumer dissatisfaction with tap water quality is the occurrence of chlorinous taste and odors. Customers' sensitivities to chlorine tastes and its effect on their perceptions about safety and health risks seem to depend on location and culture. It is difficult for utility managers to know if they have a problem with chlorinous taste and odor or how to address it.

The project approach focused on identifying public perceptions about chlorinous tastes and how it affects people's decisions to use tap water alternatives. The researchers summarized existing literature data on chlorinous tastes in tap water analyzed chlorinous taste and odor perceptions demographically and geographically on a national and international scale and then compared consumers' objective chlorinous taste thresholds to their subjective opinions analyzed how these sensory characteristics influence customers' perceptions of water quality and health risks identified how well utility managers understand their customers' perceptions of water quality, particularly chlorinous flavors developed recommendations

This statistically-sound body of knowledge describing the current state of public perception of tap water chlorinous flavors can help utility managers and other water industry professionals understand the general trends and driving forces for consumer dissatisfaction and subsequent purchasing decisions with respect to this parameter. It also highlights some possible misconceptions the water treatment professionals might have as to the extent of chlorinous flavor problems and how they might best be solved.